Draft -11 of "SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0" and
draft -02 of "OAuth 2.0 Assertion Profile" have been published. The
changes address comments raised during WGLC on the two documents that
ended earlier this week. A summary of changes is included (with links
to the comment in the mail archive when appropriate) in the document
history section of each draft. A copy of the relevant portion of the
history is also copied to the bottom of this message for convenience.
I'd like to specifically thank Mike Jones for his assistance in
getting these updates posted quickly.

The drafts are available at:




   o  Removed text about limited lifetime access tokens and the SHOULD
      NOT on issuing refresh tokens.  The text was moved to
      draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-02 and somewhat modified per

   o  Fixed typo/missing word per

   o  Added Terminology section.


   o  Added text about limited lifetime ATs and RTs per

   o  Changed the line breaks in some examples to avoid awkward
      rendering to text format.  Also removed encoded '=' padding from a
      few examples because both known derivative specs, SAML and JWT,
      omit the padding char in serialization/encoding.

   o  Remove section 7 on error responses and move that (somewhat
      modified) content into subsections of section 4 broken up by
      authn/authz per

   o  Rework the text about "MUST validate ... in order to establish a
      mapping between ..." per

   o  Change "The Principal MUST identify an authorized accessor.  If
      the assertion is self-issued, the Principal SHOULD be the
      client_id" in 6.1 per

   o  Update reference in 4.1 to point to 2.3 (rather than 3.2) of
      oauth-v2 (rather than self)

   o  Move the "Section 3 of" out of the xref to hopefully fix the link
      in 4.1 and remove the client_id bullet from 4.2 per

   o  Add ref to Section 3.3 of oauth-v2 for scope definition and remove
      some then redundant text per

   o  Change "The following format and processing rules SHOULD be
      applied" to "The following format and processing rules apply" in
      sections 6.x to remove conflicting normative qualification of
      other normative statements per

   o  Add text the client_id must id the client to 4.1 and remove
      similar text from other places per

   o  Remove the MUST from the text prior to the HTTP parameter
      definitions per

   o  Updated examples to use grant_type and client_assertion_type
      values from the OAuth SAML Assertion Profiles spec.

-- Brian
OAuth mailing list

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