Actually, there is a very clear definition of what the minimal Mandatory To 
Implement (MTI) in OpenID Connect is - it's right in the spec.  See the (quite 
short) sections:

Mandatory to Implement Features for All OpenID Providers
Mandatory to Implement Features for Dynamic OpenID Providers

                                                            -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Prateek Mishra
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 9:24 AM
To: Bill Burke; Phil Hunt
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Question regarding draft-hunt-oauth-v2-user-a4c

Excellent, now you have put your finger on the precise issue with OIDC - lots 
of optional extensions and shiny trinkets and lack of a clear definition of a 
core subset for servers.

I realize its exciting for consultants, software and toolkit vendors to have 
that sort of optionality, but in practice, its NOT A GOOD THING in a protocol.



>> It is a bit like saying an 18 wheeler is suitable for driving the

>> kids to school. :-)


> I don't think this is true.  Most oidc oauth extensions are optional

> with the sole requirement that providers don't barf if you send them.




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