Connect needed to be completed.  To do that some things that were not Identity 
specific but required for Connect to be interoperable also needed to be 
completed in a stable form.

The fact that with some tweaking based on input from the IETF community like 
software statements Connect's dynamic registration could be generally applied 
to the problem of dynamic client registration for OAuth, should not come as a 

Given the OIDF copyright of allowing derivative works with attribution this is 
not a unexpected or undesired outcome.

The outcome is more support for a spec that increases support and 

Yes the two are similar but not the same.

A IETF published profile of Connect using code flow only and not attaching 
scopes to the access token or additional claims to the id_token could be seen 
as a fine bridge for enterprise SSO moving from the old WS-* to something REST 
friendly on the road to full OAuth and Connect support.

The point for many of us is to make it clear that it is a step on a path and 
not to become it's own incompatible dead end where the clients libraries can't 
deal with access tokens or multiple issuers etc.

I also take Bills point about developers.

They care far more about good code examples on SalesForece,  Google, Microsoft 
and other sites as well as packaged library support from reliable open-source 
projects than they do about IETF or OIDF specifications

Better communication and support for developers is required.  How to do that is 
the more important discussion.   The format of a parameter to suppress an 
access_token being issued is largely a snipe hunt.

It is unfortunate that this is making some people cranky.

I think we do mostly agree that we have a communications and education problem. 
  Just because our main tool is crating new RFC's that doesn't necessarily mea 
that it is our only or best option in this case.

Best Regards
John B.

On Jul 24, 2014, at 10:25 AM, Anthony Nadalin <> wrote:

> OMG, how can you say that when the Dynamkc Reg does the same thing 
> (duplicates) but that is OK to do
> From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Brian Campbell
> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 10:22 AM
> To: John Bradley
> Cc: list
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] New Version Notification for 
> draft-hunt-oauth-v2-user-a4c-05.txt
> I'm sorry to miss what will likely be a very engaging meeting today.
> The premise that some developers are using OAuth in a insecure way to do 
> authentication is something we can probably all agree on. 
> It doesn't necessarily follow from that premise, however, that the solution 
> is yet another spec which either duplicates some subset of OpenID Connect (in 
> a different SDO) or forks how to do SSO/authentication using OAuth.
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 7:25 AM, John Bradley <> wrote:
> I am not against discussion in the WG.
> I happen to agree with Phil's fundamental premise that some developers are 
> using OAuth in a insecure way to do authentication.
> That raises the question of how to best educate them, and or address 
> technical barriers.
> It is on the second point that people's opinions seem to divide.
> Some people thing that if we have a OAuth flow that eliminates the access 
> token (primarily to avoid asking for consent as I understand it) and just 
> return a id_token from the token endpoint that can be done in a spec short 
> enough to het people to read.   The subtext of this is that the Connect 
> specification is too large that it scare people,  and they don't find the 
> spec in the first place because it is not a RFC.
> An other common possession is that if you don't want to prompt the user for 
> consent then don't ask for scopes.  Twisting the OAuth spec to not return an 
> access token is not OAuth,  yes you could use a different endpoint rather 
> than the token endpoint, but that is not OAuth.   Connect was careful not to 
> break the OAuth spec.    As long as you are willing to take a access token 
> with no scopes (the client needs to understand that there are no attributes 
> one way or another anyway or it will break) then you don't need to change 
> OAuth.   You can publish a profile of connect that satisfies the use case.
> I think Mike has largely done that but it might be better being less stingy 
> on references back to the larger spec.
> The questions are do we modify OAuth to not return an access token, and if so 
> how,  and if we do is it still OAuth.
> The other largely separable question is do we create confusion in the market 
> and slow the the adoption of identity federation on top of OAuth, or find a 
> way to make this look like a positive alignment of interests around a subset 
> of Connect.
> There are a number of options.  
> 1: We can do a profile in the OIDF and publish it as a IETF document.   
> Perhaps the cleanest from an IPR point of view.
> 2:We can do a profile in the OAuth WG referencing connect.
> 3:We can do a AD sponsored profile that is not in the OAuth WG.
> 4:We can do a small spec in OAuth to add response_type to the token endpoint. 
>  in combination with 1, 2, or 3
> I agree that stoping developers doing insecure things needs to be addressed 
> somehow.  
> I am not personally convinced that Oauth without access tokens is sensible.
> Looking forward to the meeting:)
> John B.
> On Jul 24, 2014, at 6:52 AM, Brian Campbell <> 
> wrote:
> I'd note that the reaction at the conference to Ian's statement was 
> overwhelmingly positive. There was a wide range of industry people here - 
> implementers, practitioners, deployers, strategists, etc. - and it seems 
> pretty clear that the "rough consensus" of the industry at large is that a4c 
> is not wanted or needed.
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Nat Sakimura <> wrote:
> And here is a quote from Ian's blog. 
> And although the authentication wheel is round, that doesn’t mean it isn’t 
> without its lumps. First, we do see some reinventing the wheel just to 
> reinvent the wheel. OAuth A4C is simply not a fruitful activity and should be 
> put down.  
> (Source) 
> 2014-07-23 16:53 GMT-04:00 John Bradley <>:
> I thought I did post this to the list. 
> I guess I hit the wrong reply on my phone. 
> John B. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 23, 2014, at 4:50 PM, wrote:
> we are two, at least :-)
> Why didn't you post this on the list?
> When will be be arriving?
> Am 23.07.2014 16:39, schrieb John Bradley:
> Ian Glazer mentioned this in his keynote at CIS yesterday. 
> His advice was please stop,  we are creating confusion and uncertainty. 
> We are becoming our own wort enemy. ( my view though Ian may share it)
> Returning just an id_ token from the token endpoint has little real value. 
> Something really useful to do would be sorting out channel_id so we can do 
> PoP for id tokens to make them and other cookies secure in the front channel. 
>   I think that is a better use of time. 
> I may be in the minority opinion on that,  it won't be the first time.  
> John B. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 23, 2014, at 4:04 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt <> 
> wrote:
> You are right from a theoretical perspective. Practically this was caused by 
> editorial decisions during the creation of the RFC. As far as I remember, 
> there was a definition of the (one) token endpoint response in early 
> versions. No one every considered to NOT respond with an access token from 
> the token endpoint. So one might call it an implicit assumption.
> I'm worried that people get totally confused if an exception is introduced 
> now given the broad adoption of OAuth based on this assumption.
> regards,
> Torsten.
> Am 23.07.2014 um 15:41 schrieb Thomas Broyer <>:
> Is it said anywhere that ALL grant types MUST use Section 5.1 responses? Each 
> grant type references Section 5.1, and "access token request" is only defined 
> in the context of the defined grant types. Section 2.2 doesn't talk about the 
> request or response format.
> Le 23 juil. 2014 21:32, "Nat Sakimura" <> a écrit :
> Is it? Apart from the implicit grant that does not use token endpoint, all 
> other grant references section 5.1 for the response, i.e., all shares the 
> same response. 
> 2014-07-23 15:18 GMT-04:00 Thomas Broyer <>:
> I hadn't realized the JSON response that requires the access_token field is 
> defined per grant_type, so I'd be OK to "extend the semantics" as in the 
> current draft.
> That was actually my main concern: that the token endpoint mandates 
> access_token; but its actually not the case.
> Le 23 juil. 2014 20:46, "Nat Sakimura" <> a écrit :
> I agree with John that overloading response_type @ authz endpoint is a bad 
> idea. It completely changes the semantics of this parameter. NOTE: what I was 
> proposing was not this parameter, but a new parameter response_type @ token 
> endpoint. 
> I also think overloading grant_type is a bad idea since it changes its 
> semantics. I quote the definition here again: 
> grant 
>     credential representing the resource owner's authorization
> grant_type
> type of grant sent to the token endpoint to obtain the access token
> It is not about controlling what is to be returned from the token endpoint, 
> but the hint to the token endpoint describing the type of credential the 
> endpoint has received. It seems the "control of what is being returned from 
> token endpoint"  is just a side effect. 
> I am somewhat ambivalent[1] in changing the semantics of token endpoint, but 
> in as much as "text is the king" for a spec., we probably should not change 
> the semantics of it as Torsten points out. If it is ok to change this 
> semantics, I believe defining a new parameter to this endpoint to control the 
> response would be the best way to go. This is what I have described 
> previously. 
> Defining a new endpoint to send code to get ID Token and forbidding the use 
> of it against token endpoint would not change the semantics of any existing 
> parameter or endpoint, which is good. However, I doubt if it is not worth 
> doing. What's the point of avoiding access token scoped to UserInfo endpoint 
> after all? Defining a new endpoint for just avoiding the access token for 
> userinfo endpoint seems way too much the heavy wait way and it breaks 
> interoperabiliy: it defeats the purpose of standardization. 
> I have started feeling that no change is the best way out. 
> Nat
> [1]  If instead of saying "Token endpoint - used by the client to exchange an 
> authorization grant for an access token, typically with client 
> authentication", it were saying "Token endpoint - used by the client to 
> exchange an authorization grant for tokens, typically with client 
> authentication", then it would have been OK. It is an expansion of the 
> capability rather than changing the semantics.
> 2014-07-23 13:39 GMT-04:00 Mike Jones <>:
> You need the alternative response_type value ("code_for_id_token" in the A4C 
> draft) to tell the Authorization Server to return a code to be used with the 
> new grant type, rather than one to use with the "authorization_code" grant 
> type (which is what response_type=code does).
> From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of John Bradley
> Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:33 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] New Version Notification for 
> draft-hunt-oauth-v2-user-a4c-05.txt
> If we use the token endpoint then a new grant_type is the best way. 
> It sort of overloads code, but that is better than messing with response_type 
> for the authorization endpoint to change the response from the 
> token_endpoint.  That is in my opinion a champion bad idea. 
> In discussions developing Connect we decided not to open this can of worms 
> because no good would come of it.   
> The token_endpoint returns a access token.  Nothing requires scope to be 
> associates with the token. 
> That is the best solution.  No change required.  Better interoperability in 
> my opinion. 
> Still on my way to TO, getting in later today. 
> John B. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 23, 2014, at 12:15 PM, wrote:
> The "response type" of the token endpoint is controlled by the value of the 
> parameter "grant_type". So there is no need to introduce a new parameter.
> wrt to a potential "no_access_token" grant type. I do not consider this a 
> good idea as it changes the semantics of the token endpoint (as already 
> pointed out by Thomas). This endpoint ALWAYS responds with an access token to 
> any grant type. I therefore would prefer to use another endpoint for the 
> intended purpose.
> regards,
> Torsten.
> Am 23.07.2014 13:04, schrieb Nat Sakimura:
> IMHO, changing the semantics of "response_type" @ authz endpoint this way is 
> not a good thing. 
> Instead, defining a new parameter "response_type" @ token endpoint, as I 
> described in my previous message, 
> probably is better. At least, it does not change the semantics of the 
> parameters of RFC6749. 
>  Nat 
> 2014-07-23 12:48 GMT-04:00 Thomas Broyer <>:
> No, I mean response_type=none and response_type=id_token don't generate a 
> code or access token so you don't use the Token Endpoint (which is not the 
> same as the Authentication Endpoint BTW).
> With response_type=code_for_id_token, you get a code and exchange it for an 
> id_token only, rather than an access_token, so you're changing the semantics 
> of the Token Endpoint.
> I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just that you can't really compare none and 
> id_token with code_for_id_token.
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 6:45 PM, Richer, Justin P. <> wrote:
> It's only "not using the token endpoint" because the token endpoint 
> copy-pasted and renamed the authentication endpoint.
>  -- Justin
> On Jul 23, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> Except that these are about not using the Token Endpoint at all, whereas the 
> current proposal is about the Token Endpoint not returning an access_token 
> field in the JSON.
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Mike Jones <> 
> wrote:
> The response_type "none" is already used in practice, which returns no access 
> token.  It was accepted by the designated experts and registered in the IANA 
> OAuth Authorization Endpoint Response Types registry 
> at
>   The registered "id_token" response type also returns no access token.
> So I think the question of whether response types that result in no access 
> token being returned are acceptable within OAuth 2.0 is already settled, as a 
> practical matter.  Lots of OAuth implementations are already using such 
> response types.
>                                                             -- Mike
> From: OAuth [] On Behalf OfPhil Hunt
> Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:09 AM
> To: Nat Sakimura
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] New Version Notification for 
> draft-hunt-oauth-v2-user-a4c-05.txt
> Yes. This is why it has to be discussed in the IETF.
> Phil
> @independentid
> On Jul 23, 2014, at 9:43 AM, Nat Sakimura <> wrote:
> Reading back the RFC6749, I am not sure if there is a good way of suppressing 
> access token from the response and still be OAuth. It will break whole bunch 
> of implicit definitions like: 
> authorization server
>       The server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully
>       authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization.
> After all, OAuth is all about issuing access tokens. 
> Also, I take back my statement on the grant type in my previous mail. 
> The definition of grant and grant_type are respectively: 
> grant 
>     credential representing the resource owner's authorization
> grant_type
>     (string representing the) type of grant sent to the token endpoint to 
> obtain the access token
> Thus, the grant sent to the token endpoint in this case is still 'code'. 
> Response type on the other hand is not so well defined in RFC6749, but it 
> seems it is representing what is to be returned from the authorization 
> endpoint. To express what is to be returned from token endpoint, perhaps 
> defining a new parameter to the token endpoint, which is a parallel to the 
> response_type to the Authorization Endpoint seems to be a more symmetric way, 
> though I am not sure at all if that is going to be OAuth any more. One 
> straw-man is to define a new parameter called response_type to the token 
> endpoint such as: 
> response_type
>     OPTIONAL. A string representing what is to be returned from the token 
> endpoint. 
> Then define the behavior of the endpoint according to the values as the 
> parallel to the multi-response type spec. 
> Nat
> 2014-07-23 7:21 GMT-04:00 Phil Hunt <>:
> The draft is very clear. 
> Phil
> On Jul 23, 2014, at 0:46, Nat Sakimura <> wrote:
> The new grant type that I was talking about was 
> "authorization_code_but_do_not_return_access_nor_refresh_token", so to speak. 
> It does not return anything per se, but an extension can define something on 
> top of it. 
> Then, OIDC can define a binding to it so that the binding only returns ID 
> Token. 
> This binding work should be done in OIDF. Should there be such a grant type, 
> it will be an extremely short spec. 
> At the same time, if any other specification wanted to define 
> other type of tokens and have it returned from the token endpoint, 
> it can also use this grant type. 
> If what you want is to define a new grant type that returns ID Token only, 
> then, I am with Justin. Since "other response than ID Token" is only 
> theoretical, this is a more plausible way forward, I suppose. 
> Nat
> 2014-07-22 14:30 GMT-04:00 Justin Richer <>:
> So the draft would literally turn into:
> "The a4c response type and grant type return an id_token from the token 
> endpoint with no access token. All parameters and values are defined in OIDC."
> Seems like the perfect mini extension draft for OIDF to do.
> --Justin
> /sent from my phone/
> On Jul 22, 2014 10:29 AM, Nat Sakimura <> wrote:
> >
> > What about just defining a new grant type in this WG?
> >
> >
> > 2014-07-22 12:56 GMT-04:00 Phil Hunt <>:
> >>
> >> That would be nice. However oidc still needs the new grant type in order 
> >> to implement the same flow. 
> >>
> >> Phil
> >>
> >> On Jul 22, 2014, at 11:35, Nat Sakimura <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> +1 to Justin. 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> 2014-07-22 9:54 GMT-04:00 Richer, Justin P. <>:
> >>>>
> >>>> Errors like these make it clear to me that it would make much more sense 
> >>>> to develop this document in the OpenID Foundation. It should be 
> >>>> something that directly references OpenID Connect Core for all of these 
> >>>> terms instead of redefining them. It's doing authentication, which is 
> >>>> fundamentally what OpenID Connect does on top of OAuth, and I don't see 
> >>>> a good argument for doing this work in this working group.
> >>>>
> >>>>  -- Justin
> >>>>
> >>>> On Jul 22, 2014, at 4:30 AM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Mike Jones 
> >>>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks for your review, Thomas.  The "prompt=consent" definition being 
> >>>>>> missing is an editorial error.  It should be:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> consent
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The Authorization Server SHOULD prompt the End-User for consent before 
> >>>>>> returning information to the Client. If it cannot obtain consent, it 
> >>>>>> MUST return an error, typically consent_required.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'll plan to add it in the next draft.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It looks like the consent_required error needs to be defined too, and 
> >>>>> you might have forgotten to also import account_selection_required from 
> >>>>> OpenID Connect.
> >>>>>  
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I agree that there's no difference between a response with multiple 
> >>>>>> "amr" values that includes "mfa" and one that doesn't.  Unless a clear 
> >>>>>> use case for why "mfa" is needed can be identified, we can delete it 
> >>>>>> in the next draft.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> How about "pwd" then? I fully understand that I should return "pwd" if 
> >>>>> the user authenticated using a password, but what "the service if a 
> >>>>> client secret is used" means in the definition for the "pwd" value?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> (Nota: I know you're at IETF-90, I'm ready to wait 'til you come back 
> >>>>> ;-) )
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Thomas Broyer
> >>>>> /tɔ.ma.bʁ
> >>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>> OAuth mailing list
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> OAuth mailing list
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> >>> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> >>>
> >>> @_nat_en
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> OAuth mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> > Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> >
> > @_nat_en
> -- 
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> @_nat_en
> -- 
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> @_nat_en
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> -- 
> Thomas Broyer
> /tɔ.ma.bʁ
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> -- 
> Thomas Broyer
> /tɔ.ma.bʁ
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> -- 
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> @_nat_en
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> -- 
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> @_nat_en
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> -- 
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> @_nat_en
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> OAuth mailing list
> -- 
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> @_nat_en
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> OAuth mailing list

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