2014-07-24 14:17 GMT-04:00 Bill Mills <wmills_92...@yahoo.com>:
> Then why aren't people using this instead of (mis)using OAuth for this?

Even with a spec this short, IMHO, developers would not read it.
What they want is easy to read description with sample code, I suppose.
It also does not have adequate amount of publicity/marketing/education,
Example code repository in Github and Bitbucket etc. may help a bit.

> Different question, if we do define AC4 will people move to that, or
continue doing the wrong thing anyway?

They would not move to it because they will not read a spec.
Instead they will google or search stackoverflow for "OAuth Authentication
sample REST" or something like that and will use whatever comes up as easy
and appealing to read.

Nat Sakimura (=nat)
Chairman, OpenID Foundation
OAuth mailing list

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