Hi Brian,

If you could make a quick update, that would be easier to prevent it
from getting lost.  The shepherd and I will recheck the draft and then
I'll move it forward.

Thanks for all of your work on this!

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Brian Campbell
<bcampb...@pingidentity.com> wrote:
> Forwarding this to the WG.
> There is a word missing in the sentence noted below as well as in the
> similar sentence in the SAML draft. However, I believe it should be "to the
> client" rather than "about the client".
> What is the most appropriate way to handle a minor fix like this at this
> stage? A note to the RFC editor? Or should I push new drafts?
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer-11#section-7
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-22#section-7
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Benjamin Trofatter <trofat...@google.com>
> Date: Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 8:11 PM
> Subject: draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer draft errors
> To: m...@microsoft.com, brian.d.campb...@gmail.com, cmortim...@salesforce.com
> Hi,
> I was reading your draft and noticed a couple of typos.  In 7 Privacy
> paragraph 1, the last sentence reads:
> "In cases where it is desirable to prevent disclosure of certain information
> the client, the JWT should be be encrypted to the authorization server."
> I'm guessing this ought to say something like:
> "In cases where it is desirable to prevent disclosure of certain information
> about the client, the JWT should be encrypted to the authorization server."
> Hope this helps,
> Ben
> _______________________________________________
>  Ben Trofatter       //       Software Engineer         //
> trofat...@google.com       //      (650) 279-0512
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