Right, SHOULD NOT is fine. I am just asking not to make it a MUST NOT.

2015-07-24 17:47 GMT+09:00 Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com>:

> PCKE prevents a bad app from using the code when there's a collision in
> the custom scheme used for the redirect URI. However the same app could
> immediately issue a new authorization request with it's own PCKE parameters
> and (mostly) transparently get back a code that it can use. Having some
> user interaction via the browser helps mitigate that.
> 6.4 says that "tokens SHOULD NOT be issued to such [non-confidential]
> clients without user consent or interaction" so it's not strictly required.
> Also, FWIW from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119 SHOULD NOT and NOT
> RECOMMENDED are effectively synonymous
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:44 AM, Nat Sakimura <sakim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Prompting is not necessarily is a good thing.
>> It is very context specific, so please do not make it required.
>> Nat
>> 2015-07-24 16:38 GMT+09:00 John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com>:
>>> Hi Antonio,
>>> Thanks for the feedback.
>>> I agree that for non confidential clients, the user needs to be
>>> prompted.   It might be fair to just confirm the grants rather than
>>> resetting them from defaults.
>>> I know some people are doing that, but I suspect that not everyone is.
>>> Good stuff.
>>> People should chime in with other things we need to consider.
>>> Thanks
>>> John B.
>>> On Jul 24, 2015, at 9:00 AM, Antonio Sanso <asa...@adobe.com> wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> nice to see some work on this topic by the way!
>>> Couple of comments below inline
>>> On Jul 24, 2015, at 7:51 AM, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the review Erik,
>>> We will go through it in detail and get back to you.
>>> I am working with a couple of governments on how a eID app could use the
>>> self issued profile of OpenID Connect to issue tokens.
>>> There are also other out of band authentication  apps that people use
>>> that need to be considered.
>>> I think that the callback / redirect_uri can work if a custom scheme URI
>>> or a app claimed https: URI is used.
>>> Is there any example of “popular” custom scheme. One I have seen is
>>> urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
>>> Another common redirect_uri for native app I have seen is
>>> http://localhost
>>> One more comment. I strongly suggest  for mobile app to have a really
>>> strict consent screen policy.
>>> Aka the authorization server MUST show the consent screen at every usage
>>> and not remember the fact that the app has been already authorized.
>>> Just my 2 cents :)
>>> regards
>>> antonio
>>> I agree that sniffing the URI in a web view creates a very confusing
>>> user experience at the moment.  It works better on Android than iOS 8 but
>>> is not smooth in many cases.
>>> I personally use a out of band mobile authenticator for my enterprise
>>> login that has exactly that problem, and requires me to manually switch
>>> back to the calling app.
>>> Regards
>>> John B.
>>> On Jul 24, 2015, at 12:59 AM, Erik Wahlström <e...@wahlstromstekniska.se>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for a great document! I volunteered to review
>>> draft-wdenniss-oauth-native-apps-00 at the #IETF93 meeting so here we go:
>>> In national mobile eID deployments an app is issued by gov or other
>>> organisation in a country. The app acts as the users authentication method
>>> and it works with an IDP, the IDP can be anywhere if its an PKI token or at
>>> the place that issued the credential if it’s something else. When an SP
>>> start developing an native app for there services and want’s to use the
>>> national eID solution in combination with OAuth we might run into trouble
>>> here.
>>> The flow is like follows for a service provider called FooBar:
>>> FooBar’s app starts browser-view. FooBar’s SAML service provider
>>> functionality redirects the user to an national SAML IDP. The IDP prompts
>>> user for a username and then starts an mobile eID token on the same phone.
>>> Users is asked if they want’s to authenticate to FooBar and enters PIN.
>>> User are then redirected back with an assertion. The FooBar's service
>>> provider verifies the assertion and mint’s OAuth2 token(s) and redirects
>>> the user back to the app with the help of the redirect URL.
>>> So the phone first displays an app, then foobar.com
>>> <http://example.com/> in browser-view, then idp.com
>>> <http://nationalidp.com/> in *browser-view*, then mobile eID token, then
>>>  idp.com <http://nationalidp.com/> in the *system browser* and back to
>>> foobar.com <http://example.com/> and the app that the user wanted to
>>> use.
>>> The problem with browser-views is that the mobile eID token will start
>>> idp.com when user has authenticated and then the user is not back in
>>> the apps browser-view, but in system browser instead. The system browser is
>>> sharing the session with the browser-view and redirect the user to the
>>> native app. The user experience will be a bit strange then because there
>>> the correct page is not loaded and the browser-view should be closed and
>>> the app should start parsing out the authorization code instead.
>>> So I think draft should mention something about this scenario and that
>>> app developers should handle this scenario in the app. The grant did not
>>> really come back from the browser-view as expected but from the system
>>> browser instead.
>>> —————————
>>> With the above in mind. Maybe even some example code would be nice to
>>> have in the non normative section "Appendix A.  Operating System Specific
>>> Implementation Details”. Especially how to handle call backs.
>>> —————————
>>> Another eID related issue is the pricing model for authentications in
>>> that market segment. It’s really common by the eID credential issuing
>>> organisations to charge a service providers usage of a credential per tick
>>> (that is by OSCP call). The system is based on a per tick pricing model and
>>> there are regulations for how long the sessions can live. That means that
>>> its not possible to authenticate with a token once and then create a
>>> refresh token and the user will ever see the authentication flow again. It
>>> kinda messes up the usability of mobile apps a lot but end users have come
>>> to term with it. They have not however came to term to always require
>>> consents every time they use the app. That drives end user crazy. The
>>> usability would be much better if the payment model also accepted a refresh
>>> token as a tick instead of just an OSCP call, but we are not there yet.
>>> Anyway, that’s the backstory. The section "6.4.  Always Prompting for
>>> User Interaction” is a bit harsh with a SHOULD NOT. I would rather change
>>> it to a NOT RECOMMENDED.
>>> —————————
>>> Two additional things that strengthen the case for using the
>>> browser-view also come to mind when reading the draft. The first is the
>>> fact that multiple tabs is started in some browser when going through
>>> multiple authentication attempts. That clutters the system so I really like
>>> the new browser-views.
>>> The second is that there are additionally nice things in browser-view
>>> that do not exist in the web-view. The localStorage is also preserved and
>>> it can include important information to make authentication methods more
>>> secure.
>>> ————————
>>> "Authorization servers SHOULD consider taking steps to detect and
>>> block logins via embedded user-agents that are not their own, where
>>> possible.""
>>> Sounds good, but that also sounds very hard when it comes to public
>>> clients.
>>> —————————
>>> And some nits:
>>> "OAuth flows between a native app and the system browser (or another
>>> external user-agent) are more secure, and take advantage of the
>>> shared authentication state."
>>> Not really clear what shared authentication state that is in that
>>> sentence.
>>> "When the authentication server completes the request, it redirects to
>>>    the client's redirection URI like it would any redirect URI"
>>> s/authentication/authorization
>>> / Erik
>>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 6:22 PM, <oauth-requ...@ietf.org> wrote:
>>>> John Bradley and I introduced a new draft at IETF93 yesterday:
>>>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wdenniss-oauth-native-apps-00
>>>> Goal is to provide best practices for native apps using the RFC6749
>>>> authorization
>>>> endpoint, expanding on RFC6749 Section 9.  Specifically, it recommends
>>>> using an external user-agent (such as the system browser) for this task
>>>> over an embedded user-agent (such as a web-view), and suggests ways to
>>>> achieve this.
>>>> Comments welcome!
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>> --
>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
>> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
>> http://nat.sakimura.org/
>> @_nat_en
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Nat Sakimura (=nat)
Chairman, OpenID Foundation
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