Hi Mike,

just read your spec and I'm also a bit confused about the "resource" meta data element in section 2.

I would assume the metadata are provided for a certain resource server managing a set of resources in a particular administrative domain. So I would prefer to name the respective element "resource_server". In the example George gave the URL would be "https://idp.example.com/tenant/<tenantid>/". Resource managed by a particular resource server could use sub-paths of the respective URL, such as " https://idp.example.com/tenant/<tenantid>/users/<userid>".

best regards,

Am 05.08.2016 um 02:10 schrieb George Fletcher:
Mike, thanks for drafting and publishing these specifications. I have a couple of questions regarding the draft-jones-oauth-resource-metadata-00.

1. Is a "protected resource" a server? or an actual API endpoint. The non-normative examples use /.well-known/oauth-protected-resource and /resource1/.well-known/oauth-protected-resource which is a little unclear. I think of "resource" as something like "Mail" or "Instant Messaging".

2. Assuming that "protected resource" means an actual API endpoint, what is the expected location of the metadata for a fully REST compliant API where the full URL points to a specific resource and not the concept of a general API.

    Using an example of an IdP that supports user management
    capabilities. Let's assume the IdP supports a REST API of...

        CREATE -- POST https://idp.example.com/tenant/<tenantid>/users
        READ -- GET
        UPDATE --
        DELETE --

    Assuming there are 3 tenants (tenantA, tenantB, tenantB) and lots
    of users. Where does the .well-known/oauth-protected-resource get


    In this case would not the oauth-protected-resource metadata be
    duplicated across the set of tenants and users? Is that the
    desired behavior?


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