On 17/11/2018 13:26, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
> To start with, the AS may use refresh token rotation in combination with 
> automatic revocation in case of detected replay attempts. 
> How does it work? The AS issues a new refresh token with every refresh and 
> invalidate the old one. This restricts the lifetime of a refresh token. If 
> someone (might be the legit client or an attacker) submits one of the older, 
> invalidated refresh token, the AS might interpret this as a signal indicating 
> token leakage and revoke the valid refresh token as well. We used this 
> technique at Deutsche Telekom since our first OAuth 2.0 implementation back 
> in 2012.

This is a clever solution. Did you experience any false positives, e.g.
due to HTTP response timeouts on slow / poor connections?

We were also thinking of additionally binding the refresh token to the
end-user session at the AS / OP:

  * A valid refresh causing the session to be refreshed too
  * AS / OP logout or session expiration invalidating the refresh token


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