Hi George,

Reading this description, am I understanding correctly that you *always*
return a refresh token to every client? Are there any situations in which a
refresh token would not be returned? Specifically I'm wondering about how
this applies to browser-based apps using the authorization code flow and
refresh tokens.

Aaron Parecki

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 12:38 PM George Fletcher <gffletch=
40aol....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Hi Torsten,
> This is the module I much prefer. By default all refresh_tokens are bound
> to the user's authenticated session. When the authentication session is
> terminated, the refresh_tokens are invalidated. If a client wants to get a
> refresh_token that is NOT bound to an authentication session, then it much
> explicitly request the "offline_access" scope which then provides a consent
> interaction with the user which allows the user to know that this client
> wants to access their resources even when the user isn't logged in
> (present). This also provides the AS with the ability to control which
> clients are authorized to request "offline_access" and hence restrict that
> capability to know/approved clients.
> We've implemented this module in two different Authorization Servers.
> Thanks,
> George
> On 11/15/18 9:28 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I‘m preparing a new section on Refresh Token best practices for the Security 
> BCP. I‘m wondering whether anyone has implemented a binding of the refresh 
> token‘s expiration/revocation with the state of the session the refresh token 
> was issued in/for. So do you revoke refresh tokens when the user logs out 
> from the AS or the session terminated for other reasons?
> kinds regards,
> Torsten.
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