On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 08:12:52PM -0800, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> I'm only the irresponsible AD here, but I expect that you would be welcome
> (nay, encouraged!) to write up a clear explanation of why the current
> (post-IESG) formulation is bad, what a better formulation should be, and
> why.  This would presumably also include some justification for how the
> better formulation remains secure (which can be somewhat challenging when
> combining data sources that have differing levels of provenance).  The
> strongest voice that drove the change at IESG evaluation (Ben C) is no longer
> on the IESG, though IIRC the arguments resonated pretty well with me.

[looks like I'm misremembering the bit about Ben C, at least as far as
shows up at

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