Daniel Fett and David Waite (DW) hosted a great session on OAuth 2.0 
Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer 
(DPoP)<https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-00> at the virtualized 
IIW<https://internetidentityworkshop.com/> this week.  Attendees also included 
Vittorio Bertocci, Justin Richer, Dmitri Zagidulin, and Tim Cappalli.

After Daniel and DW finished doing their overview of DPoP, I used some of the 
time to discuss feedback on DPoP from Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) 
engineers.  We discussed:

  *   How do we know if the resource server supports DPoP?  One suggestion was 
to use a 401 WWW-Authenticate response from the RS.  We learned at IIW that 
some are already doing this.  People opposed trying to do Resource Metadata for 
this purpose alone.  However, they were supportive of defining AS Metadata to 
declare support for DPoP and Registration Metadata to declare support for DPoP. 
 This might declare the supported token_type values.
  *   How do we know what DPoP signing algorithms are supported?  This could be 
done via AS Metadata and possibly Registration Metadata.  People were also in 
favor of having a default algorithm - probably ES256.  Knowing this is 
important to preventing downgrade attacks.
  *   Can we have server nonces?  A server nonce is a value provided by the 
server (RS or AS) to be signed as part of the PoP proof.  People agreed that 
having a server nonce would add additional security.  It turns out that Dmitri 
is already doing this, providing the nonce as a WWW-Authenticate challenge 
  *   Difficulties with jti at scale.  Trying to prevent replay with jti is 
problematic for large-scale deployments.  Doing duplicate detection across 
replicas requires ACID consistency, which is too expensive to be 
cost-effective.  Instead, large-scale implementations often use short timeouts 
to limit replay, rather performing reliable duplicate detection.
  *   Is the DPoP signature really needed when requesting a bound token?  It 
seems like the worst that could happen would be to create a token bound to a 
key you don't control, which you couldn't use.  Daniel expressed concern about 
this enabling substitution attacks.
  *   It seems like the spec requires the same token_type for both access 
tokens and refresh tokens.  Whereas it would be useful to be able to have DPoP 
refresh tokens and Bearer access tokens as a transition step.  Justin pointed 
out that the OAuth 2 protocol only has one token_type value - not separate ones 
for the refresh token and access token.  People agreed that this deserves 
  *   Symmetric keys are significantly more efficient than asymmetric keys.  In 
discussions between John Bradley, Brian Campbell, and Mike Jones at IETF 106, 
John worked out how to deliver the symmetric key to the Token Endpoint without 
an extra round trip, however it would likely be more complicated to deliver it 
to the resource without an extra round trip.  At past IETFs, both Amazon and 
Okta have also advocated for symmetric key support.
  *   What are the problems resulting from PoP key reuse?  The spec assumes 
that a client will use the same PoP key for singing multiple token requests, 
both for access token and refresh token requests.  Is this a security issue?  
Daniel responded that key reuse is typically only a problem when the same key 
is used for different algorithms or in different application contexts, when 
this reuse enables substitution attacks.  It's also the case that clients can 
choose to use different PoP keys whenever they choose to.
  *   Could access tokens be signed?  Having the DPoP key hash in the access 
token is equivalent if the access token is integrity protected.  But people 
said that many deployments don't use structured access tokens in which the key 
hash can be included.  For instance, Ping Identity uses access tokens that are 
just database indexes.  Would access token signing be needed then?
  *   Why aren't query parameters signed?  Daniel said that canonicalization of 
query parameters that use different URL escape syntaxes for representations of 
the same characters would likely result in interop problems.  People said that 
while SOAP deployments might have many logical endpoints differentiated only by 
query parameters, that's no longer the normal pattern for REST systems.

Thanks for the great discussion!

                                                       -- Mike

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