When I started working on the Nested JWT draft, I had a specific use case
in mind (I no longer care about that initial use case).

I then dropped the ball on the Nested JWT draft, but every now and then I
get some feedback, mainly offline, from different people about more use
cases that clearly indicate that there is a need for a way to represent
multiple subjects in one JWT.

The following is a high level summary of these use cases:


   Primary subject with secondary authority subject

A primary subject with a related secondary subject that has authority over
the primary subject, e.g. Child/Parent, Pet/Owner.

In this case, both JWTs would be issued by the same issuer.


   Delegation of authority

A primary subject delegates authority over a resource to a secondary
subject who acts on behalf of the primary subject.


In this case, both JWTs would be issued by the same issuer.


   Multiple primary subjects

Two primary related subjects e.g. a married couple


In this case, both JWTs would be issued by the same issuer.


   Replaced primary subject

A primary subject becomes a secondary subject and replaced with a new
primary subject.

For example,


   An original called number replaced with a retargeted number.



   A number of network intermediaries that each become the primary subject
   when receiving a message from a previous network element.


In this case, the original JWT would be issued by one issuer and included
as a nested JWT, while the enclosing JWT would be issued by a new issuer
that has manipulated the original received message.


   Supporting JWTs

One primary JWT with supporting JWT


Is the WG interested in working on such a mechanism?
If yes, are there any more use cases that need to be addressed?
Are there use cases that require more than two subjects?

 Rifaat (no hats)
OAuth mailing list

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