I was mentioning it primarily as another example of the assumption that GET 
requests are safe. However, the draft rfc6265bis [1] does seem concerned about 
this, and mentions <link rel=prerender> as a possible attack vector. This would 
again potentially pull the access token into the renderer’s memory space (until 
site isolation becomes widespread). 

I also have a general dislike of SameSite cookies as a defence against CSRF. 
There are CSRF-like attacks that are not strictly cross-*site* but are 
cross-origin (CORF?). For example, subdomain hijacking is relatively common [2] 
and completely defeats SameSite. As the draft itself says [3]:


   "SameSite" cookies offer a robust defense against CSRF attack when
   deployed in strict mode, and when supported by the client.  It is,
   however, prudent to ensure that this designation is not the extent of
   a site's defense against CSRF, as same-site navigations and
   submissions can certainly be executed in conjunction with other
   attack vectors such as cross-site scripting.

   Developers are strongly encouraged to deploy the usual server-side
   defenses (CSRF tokens, ensuring that "safe" HTTP methods are
   idempotent, etc) to mitigate the risk more fully.

If we recommend SameSite for this, IMO we should do so only with the same 
caveats expressed in the httpbis draft. 

[2]: https://www.hackerone.com/blog/Guide-Subdomain-Takeovers#
[3]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-rfc6265bis-07#section-8.8.1



> On 19 Feb 2021, at 23:18, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com> wrote:
> Thanks Neil, 
> Appreciate the insight and recommendations. I think we can incorporate that, 
> more or less, into the next revision. 
> One point to dig into just a bit more, you said that 'SameSite has a "GET-out 
> clause" in the form of “lax”'. As I understand it, such a cookie would still 
> only be sent on a cross-site GET resulting from a top-level  navigation. And 
> in the context of the bff-token endpoint, that significantly reduces the ways 
> a cross-site request could be initiated and those ways (pop-up or full page 
> redirection) further limits the likelihood of the malicious party being able 
> to read response data. 
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 5:08 AM Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for following up, Brian. Responses below.
>>> On 17 Feb 2021, at 22:48, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com> wrote:
>>> Always appreciate (and often learn from) your insights, Neil. I'd like to 
>>> dig into the CSRF thing a bit more though to understand better and 
>>> hopefully do the right thing in the draft. 
>>> It seems to me that a GET at the bff-token endpoint is "safe" in that it's 
>>> effectively just a read.
>> Well it’s a read that returns an access token. It’s “safe” in the sense of 
>> side-effects, but we absolutely want to preserve the confidentiality of what 
>> is returned and only allow it to be accessed by authorized clients (the 
>> legitimate frontend). At the moment the only thing keeping that safe is the 
>> JSON content type. For example, imagine a world in which the token-bff 
>> endpoint instead returned the access token as HTML:
>> <div id=“accessToken”>abcd</div>
>> Then as an attacker I can simply embed an iframe on my site that refers to 
>> your bff-endpoint and then parse the access token out of the DOM. The 
>> browser will happily load that iframe and send along the cookie when it 
>> makes the request. If you have CORS enabled on your site (with 
>> Access-Control-Allow-Credentials) then any of the allowed CORS origins can 
>> directly call the bff-token endpoint and read the access token even in JSON 
>> form. There have also been historical same-origin policy bypasses using 
>> Flash, Adobe Reader, or other plugins (thankfully now largely eliminated), 
>> or by redefining JavaScript prototypes - see 
>> https://haacked.com/archive/2009/06/25/json-hijacking.aspx/ . These are 
>> largely fixed, but I wouldn’t bet on there never being another one.
>>> There could be a "cache miss" where the backend attempts to use a refresh 
>>> token it has to get a new access token from the remote AS, which will be 
>>> more resource intensive but doesn't fundamentally alter the state of the 
>>> backend so is still "safe". That in conjunction with your pointing to 
>>> Cross-Origin Read Blocking makes me think your concern isn't so much about 
>>> traditional CSRF used to take some malicious action but rather about 
>>> somehow (speculative side-channel attacks, problems with javascript 
>>> interpreters, other similar vectors that are somewhat beyond me) accessing 
>>> the data of the response to a forged cross site request. Correct me if I'm 
>>> wrong. I don't know if or how much the distinction matters in terms of 
>>> mitigation approach but I'm keen to better understand.  
>> As explained above, because the endpoint returns JSON it _should_ be 
>> impossible to directly read the response from a cross-origin read (unless 
>> explicitly enabled with CORS). But you may still be able to embed that 
>> response in an <img> or similar. Because people are terrible at setting 
>> correct Content-Type headers on responses, browsers often ignore them and 
>> instead try to sniff what the real content type is: so if the response looks 
>> a bit like a valid image format (or PDF or JavaScript or whatever) then it 
>> might try and render it. No doubt this will fail, but at that point the data 
>> has already been loaded into the address space of the renderer process for 
>> the attacker’s site. That means that it is then vulnerable to attacks like 
>> Spectre that bypass normal memory protection. The browser vendors consider 
>> this to be a real threat, hence CORB.
>> The most important thing for a cookie-based JSON API to do is to return a 
>> correct Content-Type header and to also return X-Content-Type-Options: 
>> nosniff to prevent browsers from trying to sniff the real content-type. (I 
>> have an example in my book where the failure to do this can actually turn a 
>> JSON API into a vector for XSS attacks, even if you have no SPA frontend 
>> component at all).
>> (You should also mark the cookie as HttpOnly because this prevents the 
>> cookie ever entering the address space of a renderer process in modern 
>> browsers - an actual genuine security benefit of HttpOnly cookies).
>> But my worry is that this is still basically trusting the client to perform 
>> critical security checks, and historically browsers have had plenty of 
>> bypasses in this area. So for something as high-value as an access token I’d 
>> prefer that any request using cookie-based authentication is protected by 
>> proactive CSRF defences to prevent malicious requests being allowed in the 
>> first place.
>>> It sounds like your preference for only POST rests in an assumption that 
>>> the larger app will already have in place some CSRF defenses and by using 
>>> POST the bff-token endpoint will basically inherit said defenses. Or is 
>>> POST by itself good enough (the CORB writeup seems to suggest that the 
>>> context in which a POST could be made is more guarded against side channel 
>>> stuff)?  But perhaps then the draft should be more explicit about CSRF 
>>> defense? Saying it just has to be done. Or like even mandating a 
>>> non-standard header be in the request, "X-Neil-says-beware-CSRF: yuppers" 
>>> as a strawman. With such a header it could remain a GET. And I kinda like 
>>> GET because it is really a request for data.  Or perhaps the request should 
>>> be a POST with built-in CSRF protection by changing it to carry any 
>>> parameters as JSON in the body with "{}" for the case of no parameters 
>>> specified?  Or just make it a PUT and call it good? Not sure any of these 
>>> are good ideas but just trying to hash out the most appropriate thing to 
>>> do. 
>> Right, the preference for POST is because it's more likely to trigger CSRF 
>> defences, which often consider GET/HEAD requests to be “safe”. Even before 
>> Spectre, there is a whole array of side-channel attacks for extracting 
>> information from cross-site responses: https://xsleaks.dev . Note that even 
>> SameSite has a "GET-out clause" in the form of “lax”.
>> So yes, the real requirement is that the endpoint should have adequate CSRF 
>> protection. Requiring a special header has had bypasses in the past (again, 
>> mostly using Flash).
>> So I think we should recommend the following:
>> 1. The response MUST contain a correct Content-Type: application/json header 
>> and X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.
>> 2. The cookie SHOULD be marked as HttpOnly.
>> 3. The endpoint MUST NOT be accessible via CORS.
>> 4. The endpoint SHOULD have adequate CSRF protections in place. At a minimum 
>> the cookie should be marked as SameSite. 
>> We could perhaps add an informational reference to 
>> https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html
>>  given that there is a changing landscape around cookies at the moment. If 
>> the browser vendors do eliminate 3rd-party cookies then 1, 3, and 4 become 
>> largely unnecessary (although 3 might still be a risk due to sub-domain 
>> hijacking, and 1 will always be good practice).
>> — Neil
>>> That got a little rambly, sorry. But hopefully it makes some sense. 
>>>> On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 1:17 AM Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> The combination of the bff-token endpoint recommending the use of GET 
>>>> requests together with the hint to use cookie-based authentication is 
>>>> likely going to punch a hole in most CSRF defenses, which assume that GETs 
>>>> are safe. The only thing preventing this being exploitable is Cross-Origin 
>>>> Read Blocking 
>>>> (https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/services/network/cross_origin_read_blocking_explainer.md)
>>>>  due to the JSON content-type. That makes me really nervous. We should at 
>>>> least mandate X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff on that response. I’d feel 
>>>> more comfortable if this was a POST request only. 
>>>> — Neil
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