I have submitted a new draft:


This is intended to be a profile of RFC 9396 OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization 
Requests (OAuth RAR). OAuth RAR defines an authorization_details parameter, but 
leaves the format of the parameter open. This profile defines a rarFormat 
parameter to further constrain authorization_details to use a specific format 
called "cedar."

The use case for this draft is the same as the OAuth RAR use case - i.e. open 
banking specifically, and fine-grained authorization generally. The intent is 
to make the standard more interoperable by specifying the policy language which 
will be used to communicate the authorization request and response. The 
language used in these examples is Cedar, an open-source policy language - 
https://www.cedarpolicy.com/en. Putting Cedar policy sets within an OAuth token 
enables the client and RS to conduct transactions which conform to specific 
fine-grained policies which have been blessed(signed) by the AS.

Open Questions:

  1.  Should we create a separate informational draft defining the Cedar 
language itself within the universe of the IETF? Or is it fine to leave that 
  2.  Is rarFormat the right name for this parameter?
  3.  Should policySet be required?
  4.  I tried to keep this draft fairly simple and duplicate examples in the 
OAuth RAR RFC without redundantly stating what is already defined there. Did I 
include too little? Too much?

This is my first draft submission, so any and all feedback is welcome, and 
apologies if my xml is incorrectly formatted. I'm ignorant about many things in 
the standards process. :)

Sarah Cecchetti

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