
Hannes and I discussed the status of this document.

We believe that this document received significant feedback and a new
updated document is needed.
Because of that, after a new version is issued, we will start a *second
WGCL* on this document.


On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 7:50 AM Pieter Kasselman <> wrote:

> I volunteered to review the OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata (
> at the IETF 119 meeting.
> First, I would like to thank the authors, Mike, Phil and Aaron, for
> creating this draft. It solves an important problem and I believe this will
> find wide adoption. We are already referencing it in the OAuth Identity and
> Authorization Chaining Across Domains (
> draft for example.
> Below are my comments, feedback, questions and the occasional suggestion.
> I tried to scrub items that were already brought up elsewhere in this
> thread, but may have missed one or two. Once again thanks for doing this
> important work.
> Section 2
>    1. jwks_uri - The text only requires the "public key use" parameter if
>    both signing and encryption keys are included. It was not clear to me what
>    the assumed usage is if only a single key type is present (are they assumed
>    to all be signing keys or all encryption keys). To avoid any possible
>    confusion, why not make the "public key use" parameter mandatory even when
>    only encryption or signature keys are included.
>    2. bearer_methods_supported - Reading the parameter name created a
>    different expectation and only after reading the text was it clear that
>    this was about the way in which the bearer token is presented, rather than
>    different types or formats of tokens. Consider renaming this parameter to
>    be a bit more descriptive. For example bearer_presentation_methods.
>    3. resource_signing_alg_values_supported - I was unsure whether this
>    parameter was meant to describe signatures types that the resource server
>    could verify, or whether this was for signature types it could generate
>    (and presumably held keys for signature generation).
>    1. Does it cover algorithms for both verification and generation?
>       2. Given that this is an optional value, is it necessary to allow
>       the value of "none". If no signing algorithms are supported, is a better
>       approach to just not include this parameter (I reflect on security 
> issues
>       that may arise from alg:none type parameters)? If it has to be included,
>       are there security considerations that can be called out regarding this
>       parameter set to none?
>    4. Parameter names suggest URIs (jwks_uri, resource_policy_uri,
>    resource_tos_uri), but the description always scopes this down to URLs. I
>    suspect there is some history behind these parameter name choices, but was
>    curious if there are ever a case when the parameter value is expected to
>    not be a URL? If this parameter value is always a URL, should the parameter
>    name be changes to reflect this (again, I suspect there are reasons for the
>    current choices, but curious about the inconsistency)?
> Section 3
>    1. I found paragraphs 1-3 of this section hard to parse. I think the
>    intent here is to say that an application may be composed of different
>    protected resources, and each of those may have their own protected
>    resource metadata and then specify how that might be done.
>    1. Although paragraph 2 describes the way to do it, and illustrates it
>       with an example, it does not show the final result of such a 
> construction.
>       Would it be possible to include the final result of what the path would
>       look like when inserting the
>       "/.well-known/example-protected-resource" between the host and path
>       components of the protected resource's resource identifier just to 
> remove
>       opportunity for misinterpretation (is this the same as the second 
> example
>       given in Section 3.1, if so, perhaps refer to that example)?
>    2. I was unsure how to interpret this sentence in paragraph 3: "An
>    OAuth 2.0 application using this specification MUST specify what well-known
>    URI string it will use for this purpose."
>    1. Is this meant to refer to the IANA registration in paragraph 1, or
>       is there some other specification mechanism an OAuth application should 
> use
>       that consumers of the metadata can use to determine where to find the
>       resource metadata?
>       2. Is this related to the inclusion of the URL for the protected
>       resource metadata as described in Section 5?
>    3. It looks like the validation rules in section 3.3 is intended as a
>    mitigation for the attack described in section 7.3 (Impersonation Attacks).
>    Perhaps add a sentence at the start of Section 3.3 to establish this
>    connection for implementors less familiar with different types of attacks.
>    For example: "The following validation rules mitigate against impersonation
>    attacks described in section 7.3."
> Section 4
>    1. Consider changing the first sentence to make it clear that the
>    "protected_resources" metadata value is used as part of the Authorization
>    Server Metadata.
>    1. For example: "To support use cases in which the set of legitimate
>       protected resources to use with the authorization server is fixed and
>       enumerable, this specification defines the protected_resources metadata
>       value, which enables the authorization server to explicitly list them as
>       part of the authorization server metadata"
> Section 5
>    1. For step 5 in the end-to-end flow, add a reference to the
>    validation steps described in Section 2.1 (validation of signed resource
>    metadata if it applies) and Section 3.3
>    2. Representing this as fishbone diagram or flow-diagram showing the
>    interaction between the three parties may be helpful, perhaps even earlier
>    in the document, similar to other drafts.
>    3. Section 5.2: Perhaps rephrase the following sentence: "If the
>    client receives such a WWW-Authenticate response, it is expected
>    retrieve the protected resource metadata again, and SHOULD use the new
>    metadata values obtained." as "If the client receives such a
>    WWW-Authenticate response, it SHOULD retrieve the updated protected
>    resource metadata and use the new metadata values obtained."
> Section 6
>    1. I was unsure on how to interpret the reference to Section 8.3 in
>    RFC 8259. The way it is written creates the impression that all three
>    string validation rules in Section 6 is represented in section 8.3 of RFC
>    8259, but I could not find any reference to removal of JSON escaping or
>    prohibitions on normalization. Section 8.3 seems to only refer to code
>    point to code point comparison (the third validation rule).
>    1. Should the reference to RFC 8259 be limited to validation rule 3?
>       2. It may be helpful to adopt the same language RFC 8259. RFC 8529
>       talks about comparing code units, while the draft refers to code 
> points. I
>       assume they are the same, but perhaps just cleaner to use the same
>       description if they are.
> Section 7
>    1. Section 7.3: Similar to an earlier comment, if these attacks,
>    especially the attack in paragraph 2 is mitigated (fully or partially) by
>    the validation rules in section 3.3, it may be good to reference back to
>    that section.
>    2. Section 7.5: It is good to call out that the resource metadata
>    could be used by an attacker (its information they did not have before),
>    however the guidance to use "the same defenses against attacks that might
>    be mounted that use this information should be applied" feels a bit vague.
>    Is there a resource or a reference that describe those "same defenses"?
>    3. Section 7.6: The readability of this section may be improved by
>    first stating clearly what use cases are supported (as described in
>    paragraph 3) and then calling out that all other use cases are not
>    supported and why (paragraph 1 and 2).
>    4. Section 7.8: Not sure if this falls under phishing or if there
>    needs to be a separate section on malicious resource servers that uses
>    resource metadata to direct users to an authorization server under their
>    control in order to collect credentials (it is kind of hinted at, but not
>    explicitly stated). Defences would be similar to those typically deployed
>    against phishing sites as outlined in the last sentence of section 7.8
> Cheers
> Pieter
> *From:* OAuth <> *On Behalf Of *Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2024 12:53 PM
> *To:* oauth <>
> *Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata
> All,
> This is a *WG Last Call* for the *OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata*
> document.
> <>
> Please, review this document and reply on the mailing list if you have any
> comments or concerns, by *April 12*.
> Regards,
>   Rifaat & Hannes
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