Armin Burgmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It might also be interesting for you that am currently working on a
> library that is supposed to replace obby in the long term, and that uses
> yet another protocol (on top of XMPP).

Is this the same thing as Infinote? From your blog it looks like
Infinote is supposed to work with obby 0.5 rather than using a
replacement for obby, but it's not terribly clear.

One thing I would strongly suggest is having a solid test suite for
obby compatibility. Of course documentation of the protocol is
important, but documentation can be misunderstood while a test suite
is unambiguous and can be considered the canonical reference for how
things should work. Are there any plans for such a thing? It could be
something as simple as "Here's the start text; here's some incoming
network traffic; here's how the text should look afterwards". Just a
list of those transformations that cover the edge cases would make
obby compatibility much, much easier to attain in other
implementations. I believe having such a thing in place would also
make the implementation of obby itself to be much easier, especially
with regard to finding bugs.


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