Dear Gobby users,

libinfinity 0.4.0 and Gobby 0.4.93, new releases of our experimental
series, are ready to download.

libinfinity 0.4.0 reintroduces an IRC-like chat. Also, we have added
several new features to infinoted 0.4, including password protection,
proper daemonizing, and the ability to synchronize the documents to a
directory on the filesystem periodically.

Gobby 0.4.93 makes use of the new chat in libinfinity 0.4.0, features
HTML export, open documents given on the command line, and the
functionality to reset all user colors in a document. Also, some UI work
has been done and other bugs have been fixed.

This release is _incompatible_ to the previous one. It is not possible
to use Gobby 0.4.92 with an infinoted 0.4.0 server, or Gobby 0.4.93 with
an infinoted 0.3.x server. Our public server on has been
updated to 0.4.0.

Special thanks goes to Gabríel A. Pétursson and Benjamin Herr who have
contributed to this release.

 f8faa9ac5515451a0d1058fb30e43bc5  libinfinity-0.4.0.tar.gz [1]
 525e9c942d0636220da261f90c8ab80d  gobby-0.4.93.tar.gz [2]
 cb78bed69aceedaef25720e1b88aa1b9  gobby-0.4.93.exe [3]

Changes in libinfinity 0.4.0:
 * infinoted: Added the --password, --sync-directory, --sync-interval,
--daemonize and --kill-daemon command line options.
 * infinoted: Reload configuration file at runtime on SIGHUP
 * Added an IRC-like chat, driven by InfChatSession.
 * Added functionality to group undo requests to be undone in a single

Changes in Gobby 0.4.93:
 * Added IRC-like chat
 * Added functionality to export a document to HTML (#245)
 * Sort browser entries
 * Allow selecting multiple files when opening files
 * Allow resetting user colors in a document (Bug #211)
 * Added a Connect to Server option to the File menu
 * Undo words instead of individual characters
 * When starting Gobby twice then send commands to an existing Gobby (if
any) unless the -n command line option is given.
 * Added an option to highlight spaces and tabs


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