Regardless of the formalities of who runs this list (Greg Franks, Topica 
.. whatever) this list exists to provide another means of getting 
information to Ottawa Bicycle Club members, and for OBC members to have 
a common discussion area (hence, OBC in the list name!). Pointe finale.

Unfortunately because of the type of posts that have been on here in the 
last couple of days, many OBC members refuse to look here any more. The 
history of this list is well lined with attacks against the OBC in 
general and personal attacks against individuals. Sadly I don't blame 
people for ignoring some of the crap. Mr. Slavitch, you are not helping 
matters.  The usefulness of this list is sadly diminished from what it 
once was.

As much as people agree or disagree with the concept of a formalized 
Board of Directors to run a club, for a club like the OBC, to offer all 
of the various activities it does, and do it as well as the OBC does, 
the Board is needed. People get the chance to be on the board, pick who 
is on the board and bitch at the board. The last option is arguably more 

Hey everybody, if you don't like how something works, let us on the 
board know in a constructive manner. Don't just bitch. I at least, am 
going to ignore all bitchy people from now on! 

The roads are drying, the temperature is warming up, the trees will soon 
be green and shading the wonderful roads we have at our fingertips.

Now go ride your bikes.

Kevin Nelson
Director at large

Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613) 230-1064
Web/mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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