
Mando esta mensagem com dois propósitos: ver se ela 
realmente é enviada (já mandei diversas que nunca 
chegaram) e apresentar um algoritmo para calcular 
as funções trigonométricas para quem (como o autor) 
se pergunta como isto poderia ter sido feito sem os 
recursos e conhecimentos de hoje. É um pouco longo 
e por isso talvez só merecerá uma leitura dos membros 
dos comitês editoriais das revistas da SBM (Eureka e 
RPM talvez). 
Como motivação, copio e colo o trecho que aparece 
mais abaixo: 
Here is an example: Say we want to calculate sin and cos 
of angle 17.448 degrees to 3 decimal places. Therefore we 
will use 4 decimal places for all the steps that follow

> From:
> Subject: Re: Geometric Methods of Calculating Trigonometric Funtions
> Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:42:34 +0000
> To:
> To:
> Hello, guys.
> I believe I can give a good answer to the question you ask.
> If I understand your question correctly, this is the exact question I have 
> been asking myself part of my life. And during that time I have done quite 
> some searches to find a good answer. I've found several methods, but most of 
> them would not satisfy me:
> 1. Many calculators and computers generally use Taylor's series (plus maybe 
> small tables). This is the fastest method, I believe, but I didn't like it 
> because you need to convert the angle to radians to use that method, and thus 
> the accuracy of the method is limited to the accuracy of your knowledge of PI.
> 2. Other calculators and computers reportedly use CORDIC algorithm. It is 
> good, clean algorithm, and requires no multiplication. But was not satisfied 
> by CORDIC either, because in order to use it you need to prepare a table of 
> atan(2^(-n)), and some people find it difficult to understand (not me of 
> course, ;-P).
> 3. And then one day I discovered my own simple algorithm. It is not the 
> fastest one out there, and is not the easiest to use for calculation. But 
> still it is reasonably good, does not require previously calculated values, 
> can be carried to an arbitrary level of accuracy, can calculate sin, cos, tan 
> etc, their inverses, and does not need you to know PI at all. Actually, it 
> can be used to calculate PI, though I am not going to explain in detail how, 
> it is not difficult... In addition, it does not require a specific angular 
> unit to be used, any convenient unit will do.
> I was proud of myself and satisfied at last. I give a detailed description 
> below, as I have seen several people here in the net asking essentially the 
> same question.
> Of course the method is not at all a secret. I once saw almost exactly the 
> same algorithm published by a math teacher here in the net, but I forgot 
> where I saw it and who the teacher was. Still, I have seen it only once, and 
> I think it deserves more attention.
> First, here are some simple things you need in advance:
> 1. You need to know how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and find square 
> roots or positive numbers which are a little smaller than 1. Not very many 
> people nowadays can find square roots, but the best method I know is the 
> newtons method. I believe that anybody should know that algorithm, and even 
> should be able to discover it without external help, it is not that 
> difficult. Mesopotamian people did, as far as I know. If you like me to show 
> you an easy way of "discovering" the Newtons method for square roots, drop me 
> a letter at b_balevsky at (I would love to know how many people 
> like what I write here. Or maybe dislike it. Or just hate me... whatever :-))
> 2. If you have the coordinates of the end points of a linear segment in 
> rectangular coordinate system, you can find the midpoint of the segment by 
> averaging the coordinates. For instance, let's have a segment with end points 
> at (3, 4) and (1, 8). The coordinates of its middle point are (2, 6), because 
> 2 = (3+1)/2 and 6 = (4 + 8) / 2.
> And this is the exact location of the midpoint.
> 3. If you have a segment and one of the ends of that segment is point (0,0) 
> then the coordinates of the other end of the segment (x,y) can give you the 
> length of that segment simply by using the Pythagorean theorem: Length = 
> square_root_of(x * x + y * y). Now suppose you divide both x and y by that 
> length.
> By doing this, you have in effect "extended" or "shortened" the segment, but 
> you have _NOT_ changed its slope at all! The new segment has length of 
> exactly 1, meaning its end is on the unit circle.
> Those things said, here is how you would use the algorithm:
> 1. Simplify/transform the problem so that the angle in question is between 0 
> and 90. This should be easy to to in all cases.
> Now you either have got a particular angle and want to know its sin/cos/tan, 
> or you have sine cos or tan, and want to know the angle. All other cases 
> should be easily to reduce to those two. The algorithm is almost the same for 
> both tasks.
> Start with two segments. Both will be radii of the unit circle. Initially, 
> one of the segments will be horizontal, starting from (0,0), ending at (1,0). 
> The other will be vertical, starting from (0,0) and ending at (0,1).
> During the steps of the algorithm, we will move the ends which lay on the 
> unit circle. Each step will halve the angle between the segments by moving 
> one of the two segments in the middle. We will be careful to choose which of 
> the two segments we move in such a way that the interesting angle A always 
> falls between the segments.
> Theoretically, the two segments will never coincide, of course. But in 
> practice, after relatively few steps, they will be sufficiently close 
> together for any practical purpose.
> Here is an example: Say we want to calculate sin and cos of angle 17.448 
> degrees to 3 decimal places. Therefore we will use 4 decimal places for all 
> the steps that follow:
> Here is how we proceed:
> Initially, the endpoints of the segments will be:
> x1 = 1, y1 = 0, 
> x2 = 0, y2 = 1,
> and the angles will be
> a1 = 0, a2 = 90 degrees.
> Now find the mid-angle between the two:
> the new "a" will be midway between a1 and a2, which is 
> (a1 + a2) / 2, which is 45.
> This means, we will have to move the second segment, in order to maintain the 
> 17.44892 between the two segments.
> We already know what will be the new angle a2, but we need to calculate also 
> new values for the x2, y2:
> Find the midpoint of between the ends of the two segments by averaging the 
> old endpoints of x1,y1 and x2,y2: this gives x = 0.5 and y = 0.5. So the new 
> segment is along the line from (0,0) to (0.5, 0.5), but this segment is too 
> short: we need to move the point (0.0, 0.5) so that it falls on the unit 
> circle thus extending the segment to unit length, while being careful not to 
> change the slope of the segment. This is done by multiplying dividing both 
> coordinates to the length of that short segment. And we calculate the length 
> using the Pythagorean theorem:
> length = sqrt(0.5 * 0.5 + 0.5 * 0.5) = sqrt(0.5) = 0.7071
> Dividing both coordinates in (0.5, 0.5) by 0.7071 gives the new point 
> (0.7071, 0.7071).
> And so we now have:
> a1 = 0, x1 = 1, y1 = 0
> a2 = 45, x2 = 0.7071, y2 = 0.7071
> And this is all we need to proceed further to the next step.
> At all times, y1 = sin(a1), x1 = cos(a1), 
> and similarly y2 = sin(a2), x2 = cos(a2).
> We can now see that if y1 and y2 differ by less than 0.001, we have reduced 
> the range sufficiently and we have found our answer.
> Here is what we get by continuing this process further:
> Each row represents the state of the algorithm between successive steps.
> a1 x1 y1 a2 x2 y2
> ---------------------------------------------------
> 0 1 0 45 0.7071 0.7071
> 0 1 0 22.5 0.9239 0.3827
> 11.25 0.9807 0.1951 22.5 0.9232 0.3827 
> 16.875 0.957 0.2904 22.5 0.9232 0.3827
> 16.875 0.957 0.2904 19.6875 0.9415 0.3370
> 16.875 0.957 0.2904 18.2813 0.9495 0.3138
> 16.875 0.957 0.2904 17.5782 0.9533 0.3021
> At the last step, something interesting happened, and it will always happen 
> at some step: when we calculate the midpoint, and project it on the unit 
> circle, we see that we need not move that point at all - it is already on the 
> unit circle within the error of our four decimals.
> This means that from now on, we don't have to do all that complicated stuff 
> to calculate the sin we needed: we can just interpolate linearly, and that 
> will directly give us our answer. If anybody wants to keep it simple and 
> stupid, go ahead, continue with the iterations, that wont' hurt, and the 
> result should be the same. I prefer the interpolation:
> Sin(a) = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (A - a1) / (a2 - a1)
> sin(a) = 0.2999, and even the last digit is correct, though you cannot count 
> on it in general, of course.
> The result using a calculator is .29985... and "you have found correct", as 
> the Egyptian scribe Ahmes would have said.
> A note about choosing how many digits to use in your calculations:
> At each step, the range is halved. So to get accuracy of 1/1024 we will need 
> about 10 steps (as 1/1024 = 1/(2^10)).
> Those 10 steps means that the error introduced in the final result will be 
> something like 10 times the error due to rounding in each single step. 
> So if you needed to calculate 9 digits, this would be about 30 steps (at 
> most), so you may need 2 digits more accuracy in the calculations than the 
> desired accuracy in the result, meaning all calculations should be carried to 
> 11 decimals. That's because you will now accumulate error from 30 steps, and 
> that may be up to 30 times the errors introduced by a single step. That said, 
> the algorithm is very reliable and accurate.
> The algorithm can also find angles given the sine. The steps above remain 
> mostly the same, the only thing that changes is the way you decide which 
> segment to move at each step. 
> In our example, we looked at the mid-angle and see which of the two new 
> ranges contained our angle A.
> To calculate inverse sin, for instance, you would look at the mid-y, to 
> calculate inverse cos you would decide using the mid-x, atan can be reduced 
> to asin or acos, etc.
> All circular trig functions included. Money-back guarantee ;-)

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