Please let in recipient for people who want to follow our discussion.

About your problem, something went wrong when you installed obm elsewhere you would have a obm.conf in this folder.
Which version of debian and obm did you choose ?
I suggest you the latest _OBM stable (2.5.5)_ with postgres on a _Debian Squeeze 64b_.

Can you retry an install from scratch by following the documentation at
If this new install doesn't work anymore, please come back and tell us if :
 - you have the /etc/apache2/sites-available/obm.conf file
 - the content of /var/log/apt/*.log* files


On 01/28/2014 10:21 AM, Bruno Grandjean wrote:
Hello Thomas
Nothing blocks during the installation which was completed with no error msg
*https://<your_external_url>*. returns page not found but httpd works (*http://<your_external_url>*. returns "it works")
var/log/apache2/doesn't contain any obm log files
/etc/apache2/sites-available/obm.conf doesn't exist
it seems obm site was not installed, how can I fix it?
Best regards

*De :* Thomas Hilaire []
*Envoyé :* mardi 28 janvier 2014 09:55
*À :* Bruno Grandjean;
*Objet :* Re: [Obm] obm installation

Hello Bruno,

I suggest you to continue on your Debian install as squeeze and wheezy are our preferred platforms.

Can you explain which step is blocking you ? What do you mean by "doesn't work" ?
Want is the content of the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/obm.conf ?
Do you see some informations in apache logs : /var/log/apache2/obm-*.log

If you want a more interactive help you can go on our IRC channel #obm


On 01/27/2014 02:42 PM, Bruno Grandjean wrote:
I would like to test Obm on a debian squeeze VM.
I followed
in choosing obm-full but
*https://<your_external_url>*. doesn't work (apache2 is active)
I tried several OS; debian, ubuntu etc. but I have no access to Obm
could you explain to me what's wrong?
thks in advance

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Thomas Hilaire
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