Don't be ridiculous. Many of listed public company which plan to buyback their 
stock always bought them in really really LOW PRICE (my experience, sorry....). 
They won't sacrifice their cashflow to buyback your stock in higher price. This 
is REAL case.Don't you know that many companies nowadays try to manage their 
cashflow and prefer not to sacrifice their cashflow for irrational 
things????BE RATIONAL IN THIS IRRATIONAL MARKET. I've warned all of mailist 
member about BD conspiracy. And that was in last week. So BE PREPARE FOR THE 
WORST SCENARIO. Don't believe any letter or announcement easily. ONCE 

Disclaimer : ON


Where you can trust your fund

--- On Thu, 11/13/08, ruzli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: ruzli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Jangan jual BUMI murah2, ada BUY BACK
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 12:43 PM

MBAH, bukannya rencana BuyBack sudah lama ?Yg jadi pertanyaan, kenapa nunggu 
BUMI di 1000an baru di Buy Back ?? Mohon Pencerahan

 2008/11/13, Embah <jsx-consultant@ id>:  


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