--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "RATU SIMA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Aimee helps...
> DJI is in counter rally wave 4, Embah.

Kalo anda menganggap ini Wave 4 (7552-9000) maka Wave 3 terjadi
dari 12000 ke 7552. Bentuk Wave ini TIDAK MIRIP Wave 3...

Jadi: DJI is in counter rally wave 4 agak MERAGUKAN...

Sebaiknya anda kirim grafik DJI berikut WAVE NUMBERINGnya
supaya kita bisa bahas bersama...

> It may sustain temporary uptrending up to 10.500.
> And please rest-assured that wave 5 hasn't come yet. Still away.
> It will happen after March and Aimee is convinced to bring it down 
up to
> 6666 as I have posted.
> The credit problem in Indonesia hasn't turned into serious working 
> shortage.
> At this period, not only liquidity that we face but also solvency.
> In 1 - 2 years ahead, economy is still tough.
> If U asked who can beat Brigade 1089, it is my cavalery. It's a 
matter of
> time.
> Our currency reserve is too small to cover the credit 
> Printing out money will cause major inflation. More serious problem.
> When top Indonesian companies are suffering from working capital 
> it will definitely lead to slashing substantial production and 
> At this point, financial condition is at worst.
> Our Central Bank's capacity is very limited to provide salvation to 
en masse
> insolvency.
> Please GOI recalculate the potential deficit of State Budget 2009 
> procure 'Adequate Stand-By Loan' as early preliminary step.
> Many have been queeing to IMF today.
> Aimee (KMIIW/Kiss Me If I am Wrong),
> The United Kingdom of Kalingga

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