Maaf. yg di-infokan koq kurang jelas ya ?, bisa tambahin lagi cluenya? di 
sektor apa? kalo bisa sekalian saham apa gitu.
Nyang pasti...resiko ditanggung masing2

From: James Liem <>
Sent: Friday, January 2, 2009 12:38:34 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Happy Belated ...New Year 09

Dear all,

sekedar menambahkan ...selebihnya silahkan cross check dgn yg lebih ahli di 
forum2 yg ada secara Tech & Fundamentalnya, kita termasuk yg suka dgn satu ini 
.... kolek terus target price rumors di 09 ...350 - 400 (Discl on), kalo yg ini 
& Bt beda dgn B group  yg ada lainnya ... F & D sdh pada mulai akumulasi dari 
level 180 - 215 

Goodluck all 

the year 08 has gone.. but made us strong !!!!
the path was long, but we walked with song ....
there wer feras & tears & cheers as we travelled the year ..
we know that GOD doesn't require us to "BE the Best" ....
He just want's us to "DO our best" ... andHE will take care of the rest ....
Happy Belated New year 09 ....
James Liem 


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