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Yang free ada banyak tuh bos

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Untuk realtime data biasanya langganan sektiar $50 - $150 / Mo


From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of adjies2000
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 7:45 AM
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: The Accumulation/Distribution Line


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com> , "Pengamat Market"
<kalipatul...@...> wrote:
> Dear Bro Adjies..Banyak Charting software yang bisa dipakai untuk saham.
> Indonesia .dari yang gratis ..crack sampai bayar
> Kalo soal 
> "Mbah........apa ada minat utak utik VSA Low cost, EOD USD 90, Realtime
> USD 120 VSA, entah versi begitu bisa jalan atau enggak.....jalan di
> Trade Station."
> > 
> Saya coba bisa jalan..

> Warmest Regards,
> Aditya

Hello brot. Aditya

Tolong Free charting software untuk BEI....yang ada Volume base
indicator....atau bisa dipasangi Template/Add-Ons

Yang Crack jenis apa ?

Dimana Bisa mendapatkan Trainning 1 hari BEI Charting Software atau
lainnya, berikut Realtime VSA comercial(crack) ?

Versi Crack apa bisa jalan dengan datafeed BEI ? sewa datafeed BEU
berapa ?


> From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com> ]
> On Behalf Of adjies2000
> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 7:20 AM
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: The Accumulation/Distribution Line
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com> , "OnO" <onopuccino@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Adjies,
> > 
> > Kamu punya afl nya ga?buat amibroker?
> > 
> > Thx thx
> > 
> > > OnO
> > 
> > =======================================================
> Dear Ono,
> Tidak punya tuh, belum punya charting software untuk Saham BEI karena
> Style Trading bukan Intraday. jadi memakai rekomendasi Broker + di
> utak atik2 sendiri, cara ini akan sulit "ketemu jodoh" saat IHSG dan
> DOW masih belum bottom, Bernarke boleh bilang US akan pulih diachir
> 2009 kalau ada bailout + stimulus atau 2-3 tahun lagi======puncak
> Jobless claim 2010-11, dan Dow bereaksi naik,,,,Obama boleh We will
> recover(Dow sideway)...tapi toxic asset......CDS belum
> disebut2.....Credit Default Swap ini kalau diledakan berpotensi
> membawa Dow ke 4000an......etc
> thus, Trading Style dirasakan perlu dirubah mendapai Intraday,
> ditambah dengan dibuka kembali Short Selling dibulan
> Mei---------Trading Choppy scalping dimungkinkan....untuk scalping
> diperlukan Volume spread analysis real time.....sekarang ini masih
> takut2 dan kurang sreg Ikut "saran OBer", karena seperti bertempur
> dengan peta buta,
> Mbah........apa ada minat utak utik VSA Low cost, EOD USD 90, Realtime
> USD 120 VSA, entah versi begitu bisa jalan atau enggak.....jalan di
> Trade Station.
> regards.
> > 
> > From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com> 
> [mailto:obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com> ]
> > On Behalf Of adjies2000
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:41 PM
> > To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com> 
> > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] The Accumulation/Distribution Line
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Technical Analysis, Studies, Indicators:
> > Accumulation/Distribution Line
> > 
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Back to the List of Studies
> > 
> > Bookmark this 
> > 
> > Buzz up! You may find the number of indicators in technical analysis
> > to measure volume and the flow of money for an index or a particular
> > security. The Accumulation/Distribution Line is one of the most
> > popular technical indicators to analyze volume. One of the technical
> > analysis statements that "volume precedes price" implies that in many
> > cases after decline and just before the reversal we may see increase
> > in the volume (volume surge). Majority of the money flow (volume)
> > indicators are developed to identify these volume surges in order to
> > predict price trend reversals.
> > 
> > The Accumulation/Distribution Line was developed by Marc Chaikin to
> > measure the cumulative flow of money into and out of an index or
> > security. The Accumulation/Distribution Line could be compared to the
> > OBV (On Balance Volume) which adds or subtracts volume depending on
> > the close price. Marc Chaikin chooses different approach and instead
> > of relying on the close price he used CLV (Close Location Value) that
> > is calculated by the following formula:
> > 
> > CLV = (Close - Low) - (High -Close) 
> > 
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > (High - Low) 
> > 
> > or 
> > 
> > CLV = 2 * Close - Low - High 
> > 
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > High - Low 
> > 
> > Basically the CLV formula defines where the close is in relation to
> > the high and low:
> > 
> > If close = high (the bar close price is at the bar's high) then CLV =
> > 1. The CLV = 1 reveals that the price advanced and it is at it's
> > highest point;
> > If close = Low (the bar close price is at the bar's high) then CLV =
> > -1 which reveals that the price declined and it is at it's lowest
> > When CLV = 0 it tells us that we had price decline and price advance
> > within the analyzed period, yet, at the end the price stuck in the
> > middle: close = Low + (High - Low) / 2 or close = High - (High -
> Low) / 2;
> > The positive CLV shows that the price is closer to its High;
> > The negative CLV shows that the price is closer to its Low.
> > After defining CLV its value is multiplied by volume in the analyzed
> > period and the cumulative total forms the Accumulation/Distribution
> Line. 
> > 
> > Opposite to the OBV the Accumulation/Distribution Line is considered
> > more accurate. For instance: the OBV will consider volume as positive
> > money flow when price opens with swing up and then declines during the
> > whole analyzed period, yet closes above the previous period close (the
> > bar is up in relation to the previous bar close, yet it declined
> > during the whole period). Because of the price decline during the
> > analyzed period the Accumulation/Distribution line in this example
> > will consider volume as negative money flow. This situation could be
> > very often seen on intraday charts at the market open. The OBV is
> > still a very accurate indicator on the daily chart, yet, on the
> > intraday level the Accumulation/Distribution line is considered as
> > more precisely reflecting in and out money flow.
> > 
> > The Accumulation/Distribution Line could be used in similar to the OBV
> > way: as confirmation indicator and to predict trend reversal.
> > 
> > If the Accumulation/Distribution Line moves up and the price MA
> > (Moving Average) rising then technical analysis tells that this
> > indicator confirms the up-trend. When Accumulation/Distribution Line
> > declines during the price slide it confirms a down-trend. 
> > 
> > The divergence of the Accumulation/Distribution Line movement and
> > price trend could be used to anticipate possible changes in the market
> > trend. The declining Accumulation/Distribution Line during the price
> > advance may indicate possible developing of a new down-trend, while
> > advancing Accumulation/Distribution Line during the price decline
> > could indicate a possibility of begging a new up-trend.
> > 
> > Chart 1: S&P 500 index - Accumulation/Distribution Line
> > 
> > The same as with other volume based indicators the
> > Accumulation/Distribution Line provides best results when it is
> > applied to analyze indexes (Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, DJI, NYSE and other).
> > The index analysis could be used to trade index derivatives, such as
> > QQQQ, DIA and SPY, options on indexes, index e-mini futures, options
> > on index derivatives as well as it could be used to trade stocks from
> > the index basket that move along with their index.
> > 
> > Start using our Professional Charts 
> > and Make Money with our System!
> > 
> > Sign up for a 30-Day Free Trial Now!
> > (credit card not required)
> >

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