Obama to China - "Don't Leave Me"

▪ Obama Seeks to Reassure China U.S. Debt Safe, Deficits Are Under 
Control (Link) 

The Obama administration sought to ease Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's concern 
about the security of his country's investments in U.S. government debt, 
reiterating pledges to cut the budget deficit in half in four years.

"There's no safer investment in the world than in the United States," White 
House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today.

Wen earlier said that China, the U.S. government's largest creditor, is 
"worried" about its holdings of Treasuries and wants assurances that the 
investment is safe. "I request the U.S. to maintain its good credit, to honor 
its promises and to guarantee the safety of China's assets," he said at a press 
briefing in Beijing.

► Anomalee: I just wrote about this yesterday linking to articles about 
China's concern over it's held U.S. assets. Of course the White House was quick 
to respond through the press saying exactly what they want to hear. I'm sure 
the personal phone calls probably went something like this...


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