Coba liat news PGAS di websitenya, disitu ditulis berita
pgas soal perang BP Migas dengan PGAS dan tanggalnya 2-3Nov., namun
sekarang baru dihebohin, pdhl news itu udah basi dan PGAS tetap pegang
hak esklusif mereka.
BPH Migas rejects PGN statement 

Friday, November 03, 2006 

Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority BPH Migas has repudiated the
statement made by gas utility PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) that BPH
Migas will auction gas distribution network right in areas where PGN has
its own distribution points, Bisnis Indonesia reported Friday. 

BPH Migas chairman Tubagus Haryono said his office had never said
anything about the auction in the media or its website. 

"I don't know from where PGN got this information. But just now I
settled the matter with Pak Simandjuntak (PGN president director W.M.P.
Simandjuntak)," Tubagus said in Jakarta on Thursday. 

He added that BPH Migas will only auction gas transmission and
distribution networks which are already in the main plan. 

"If they are not in the main plan, they can't be auctioned. East Java
was included but PGN has special rights in several areas and so we don't
want to touch them," he said. 

Recently Simandjuntak apposed in a press release BPH Migas' plans to
auction gas distribution areas where PGN is already operating. (*)

 'Dipaksa Damai', BPH Migas Batal Lelang Pipa Transmisi PGN 

Polemik antara PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) dan Badan Pengatur
Kegiatan Hilir Minyak dan Gas (BPH) Migas berakhir sudah. BPH Migas
akhirnya membatalkan rencana pelelangan pipa gas bumi yang masuk dalam
wilayah distribusi PT PGN. 

"Upaya damai" itu dilakukan sendiri oleh Menteri ESDM Purnomo
Yusgiantoro di Gedung Departemen ESDM, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan,
Jakarta, Kamis (2/11/2006) pagi. 

"Sudah tidak ada masalah lagi. Sudah damai," ujar Purnomo setelah
meminta Dirut PGN, WMP Simandjuntak dan Kepala BPH Migas, Tubagus
Haryono, berjabat tangan dihadapan sejumlah wartawan. 

Simandjuntak yang ditemui detikcom menyatakan, masalah antara PGN dengan
BPH Migas telah selesai. "BPH Migas akan menghapus semua lelang yang
berada dal;am wilayah distribusi PGN," kata Simandjuntak. 

Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan oleh Tubagus. Pihaknya telah menghapus
sejumlah lelang pipanisasi yang berada di wilayah distribusi PGN. 

PGn menolak rencana BPH Migas untuk melelang jaringan distribusi di
dalam wilayah jaringan distribusi gas bumi PGN. 

PGN menolak rencana tersebut karena akhir-akhir ini BPH Migas akan
melelang jaringan distribusi di dalam wilayah operasi dan pengembangan
jaringan distribusi PGN. 

Wilayah itu adalah Distribusi I Jawa Bagian Barat, Distribusi II Jawa
Bagian Timur dan Distribusi III Sumatera Bagian Utara

  PGN opposes BPH Migas plan to auction pipeline distribution right 

Thursday, November 02, 2006 

State-owned gas distribution company Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) has
strongly opposed the regulatory body for oil and gas downstream industry
BPH Migas' plan to auction gas distribution network right within the
PGN's existing networks, saying that the plan would violate the existing

"The liberalization in the oil and gas sector as stipulated in the oil
and gas law is not aimed at removing the policy that has been long
established," the president director of PGN, WMP Simandjuntak said

He was commenting on the plan of BPH Migas to auction gas distribution
network right to new investors in strategic business unit (SBU) I areas
covering Jakarta, Banten, West Java and Palembang, SBU II areas covering
East Java, Semarang and Makassar and SBU III areas covering North
Sumatra, Jambi, Pekanbaru and Batam. 

Meanwhile, chairman of BPH Migas, Tubagus Haryono said that the agency
had not received any formal objection from PGN on its plan to auction
new distribution networks right in the three main gas distribution

But he promised that BPH Migas would settle the problem amicably with
PGN. Tubagus admitted that the agency planned to auction gas
distribution networks right in these areas because PGN's gas
distribution networks in the areas had reached full capacity. 

"According to regulation, the areas can be opened to new players if the
facilities provided by PGN have reached full capacity," he said. (*) 




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