YESSSS EL emang luar biasa.....great planner investor..... tx a lot El....u are 
the best....u can see from another side...

Dari: Margareth Renata <>
Kepada: OB <>
Terkirim: Senin, 13 April, 2009 12:04:46
Topik: Re: [ob] Vote EL for the WOMAN of the Year milis OB

EL get my vote, Mbah !
Go go Elaine !


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-----Original Message-----
From: "jsx_consultant" <>

Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 04:37:07 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Vote EL for the WOMAN of the Year milis OB

Vote EL for the WOMAN of the Year milis OB

IHSG 1535 +4,68% jama 11:33

Prediksi Elaine sangat OUTSTANDING dalam PREDIKSI dan CONSISTENSInya.

Untuk itu EL sepantasnya jadi WOMAN of the year milis OB 2009.

Ada yg mau mencoba melawan Elaine ?.


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