Menurut pemikiran saya, ada baiknya kita kembalikan kepada hati nurani masing2. 
Donation/sumbangan itu bersifat sukarela (seperti yg pernah disebutkan 
sebelumnya) dan tulus ikhlas (tidak ada pemaksaan). Apapun yang kita lakukan, 
jangan kita pikirkan pamrihnya. Biarlah Yang Maha Kuasa yang membalas semua 
amal dan kebaikan kita semua. Lihat lah betapa tulus bimbingan yang diberikan 
oleh senior2 kita. Kalo mereka tdk posting atau berbagi ilmu pun, bagi mereka 
nothing to lose. Tapi sebaliknya bagi kita yang masih dalam tahap belajar, 
bagaimana? Ibarat org buta yang jalan sendirian di hutan belantara yang ganas. 
So, kembali ke hati nurani masing2, lakukanlah donasi atas dasar sukarela dan 
tulus ikhlas. Saya yakin hal itu akan lebih bermanfaat bagi semua orang, baik 
yang memberi maupun yang menerima.
Mohon maaf kalo ada kata2 yang salah.
Permisi yah mbah.
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Angelo Michel" <>

Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 07:20:59 
To: <>
Subject: Re: IMPORTANT TO JT, JH, TT and all trainers... don't be cheapskates 
-- Re: [ob] Nama-nama pendaftar Training INTERMEDIATE : "Price and Volume 
Relationship Analysis" (batch 1)..Last Call..Lokasi tanggal 2 Mei 2009 di Twins 
Plaza Hotel..!!

Dear Elaine,

JSX Trader shares knowledge for free in this forum.
OB shares spaces with this forum.
It's already a win-win-solution, simbiosis mutualisma kalau inget pelajaran 
biologi SMP.

Best regards,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: JsxTrader™ 
  Sent: May 01, 2009 12:07 AM
  Subject: Re: IMPORTANT TO JT, JH, TT and all trainers... don't be cheapskates 
-- Re: [ob] Nama-nama pendaftar Training INTERMEDIATE : "Price and Volume 
Relationship Analysis" (batch 1)..Last Call..Lokasi tanggal 2 Mei 2009 di Twins 
Plaza Hotel..!!

  Sure we can do that, no problem.., but please do not call us using OB for 
commercial purpose..., I feel uncomfortable to read that.., I do my best to 
share my knowledge here so my fellow OB'er don't get fool by some kind of smart 
money like you (I am not saying you).. Hehe

  Before posting any Ad... We always ask for Mbah permission my Dear.., we know 
how to behave in someone else house.

  Regarding to the 1000 target, how about this.., let's stop posting, YOU and 
ME, if we don't get 1000 for Mbah by the end of June.., what do you think?

  Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

  From: Elaine Sui 
  Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 23:08:58 +0700
  To: <>
  Subject: IMPORTANT TO JT, JH, TT and all trainers... don't be cheapskates -- 
Re: [ob] Nama-nama pendaftar Training INTERMEDIATE : "Price and Volume 
Relationship Analysis" (batch 1)..Last Call..Lokasi tanggal 2 Mei 2009 di Twins 
Plaza Hotel..!!

  Dear JT, JH, TT, Billy and all trainers.. listen to me.

  Please, if you wish, tell your trainees to donate for OB. Only IDR200k worth 
5 lots of BNBR until Dec 09. Consider that for your course advertisement fee in 

  I know OB is a free community BUT you did use it for commercial purpose. 
Don't tell me you can't do that. OB help you, you help OB. It's called 
mutualism, win-win solution, so is it a deal..?

  To anyone who attend this course, if THEY don't tell you to donate, please 
report to me. 




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