baru mau kirim msg di fb nya EL mengenai roadshownya, eh mbah sudah 
ngirim.......terjawab sudah.

Thanks & Rgds,
Ferry W.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jsx_consultant 
  Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:13 PM
  Subject: [ob] Message from Elaine

  Enbah dapet email dari Elaine yg isinya sbb:

  Hello dear,

  Just wanna share tou you that our roadshow is one big success. We made some 
agreement with institutional investors from US, Middle East, Japan and China to 
invest in Indonesia as its economy has been proven to be less affected from the 
global crisis and even have stronger GDP and domestic market. As you can see, 
many foreign analysts have been focusing more on Indonesia, while the rest have 
been making some upgrades in particular industry, mainly commodity and energy 

  We agree that the economy is shifting to the eastern part of the hemisphere 
(Asia). That's the plan. However I expect to see a minor decline perhaps until 
June (my target was 1600 but ppl got greedy and it overshot to like 1900 right? 

  We already sent instructions to our Jakarta and Singapore based dealers to 
make some 'space' for this fresh fund, and considering the size of it we expect 
that it may take some time to fill in. This is NOT hot money, this one is real, 
so just sit back, relax, enjoy the ride. .



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