kayaknya bukan iseng, tapi menampilkan info seputar Indonesia, dalam hal ini
petinju kebanggaan Indonesia. Analisa CSLA selalu menampilkan info umum di
bagian bawah analisanya (Did You Know That?) , misal soal kopi luwak, tempe,
tahu, dll, biar ada relaksnya (jgn tegang mulu soal trading) :p


From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of toto aja
Sent: Wed, 27 May 2009 14:10 PM
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ob] FW: FW: CLSA INDO: BUMI upgrade, from SELL to UPF


Kalo ini maksudnya apa ? CLSA lagi iseng kali ya.....

On ....


Indonesian world-champion boxer Chris John to fight Rocky Juarez in Los
Angeles.  Chris John will defend his title in a rematch against US boxer
Rocky Juarez in Los Angeles on June 27.  The previous match in Houston,
Texas earlier this year resulted in a draw.  An upcoming promising young
Indonesian fighter Daud Chino Jordan (fought 2x successfully in the US so
far, and has been recruited by 'Golden Boy' Oscar de la Hoya) will have a
match next month in Kalimantan.


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