Wah PPN/GST singapore naik??? Bukan surga belanja lagi dong! Hongkong dong jadi 
makin murah!
  By the way, waktu di Aussie diperkenalkan GST pertama kali tahun 98, harga 
barang elektronik malah turun. Ron pemilik Carzy Ron bilang justru dgn GST 10%, 
mereka juga malah turunkan pajak penjualan barang elektronik, soalnya growth 
tinggi harus di support pemerintah, so on avarage retail price computer bisa 
turun 10%. Barang mentah belum diolah juga bebas GST semacam Susu murni, 
Buah2an, Sayur, Daging. Namanya juga GST: Goods, SERVICES, TAX.
  Kalo di kita PPN dimana2 nggak pandang bulu di semua jenis barang. Prinsip 
PPN kita beda! Lagian saya setuju dgn Growth, The rich is getting richer, that 
is the way it should be, because ONLY THE RICH can provide jobs.

Mungkin ini analogi dgn:
Corp tax turun  PPH badan turun,
GST naik  PPN naik,

Ini masih memberikan peluang company utk grow dan konsumsi ahir akan
dibebani pajak lebih besar.
Jadi filosofi / visi pajak di s’pore masih sedikit berbeda dgn di Indonesia


From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cubit Aja
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:57 AM
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Please TAX CUT!

Jangan salah pak Eka Corp Tax memang mau diturunkan tapi GST-nya mau
dinaikkan - target 10% dari sekarang yg 5%, It is easier for rich people
to get richer indeed :)

Corporate tax to go down by at least 1%: MM Lee

By Valarie Tan, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 21 January 2007 0026 hrs

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam : Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew says Singapore's
corporate tax is to go down by at least one percentage point to attract
more investors to Singapore.

He did not specify when this will take place but said that this will make
Singapore more competitive in the long run.

Mr Lee was speaking to reporters in Ho Chi Minh City on the last day of
his official trip to Vietnam.

MM Lee, who had visited the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, said
investors are not in Singapore simply because they like the country. It’s
because Singapore offers them better returns than other places in the

And Singapore, he stressed has to remain attractive to investors.

One way is to bring down its corporate tax which now at 20%.

Said Mr Lee: "Hong Kong's income tax is 17%. In Ireland, its 14-15%. So
we're going to bring it down (by) at least by 1 percentage point, and
that's going to cost us four to five hundred million dollars. Then we're
going to top the lower income to make sure they do not stagnate. And the
GST has to go up for the next 5 years. We have to do this either now, or
next year or the year after. So let's do it now."

And Mr Lee added that the proposed GST increase is in line with where
Singapore's economy is heading next.

That is why it is necessary, even though Singaporeans will complain about
the move.

"Popular government does not mean you have to be popular when you govern.
All it means is at the end of your term, you've done all the unpopular
things that were necessary to get you where you have to go and you get
there. You're successful and everybody's better off. That's how we
govern," said the Minister Mentor.

"If you govern by the polls, just keeping them happy for the next day,
you'll be in trouble (because) we'll never make any progress."

The government has promised there will be an offset package to help the
needy cope with the proposed two percentage point hike in the GST.

And Mr Lee said Singapore is not alone when it comes to a widening income
gap caused by globalisation. But he expects things to equalise in the next
10 years, depending on how fast lesser developed countries can catch up
and be on par in skills with Singaporeans.

By then, a new steady state will be struck between the higher and lower
income groups. - CNA /ls

----- Original Message -----
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com ; saham@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:11 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Please TAX CUT!

Pajak naik pengangguran bertambah!!!

Singapura Berencana Turunkan Pajak Korporat
Senin, 22 Januari 2007
Jakarta (Indofinanz) - Berbeda dengan Indonesia yang cenderung berupaya
meningkatkan penerimaan pajak dengan berbagai cara pungutan, pemerintah
Singapura malah melakukan hal sebaliknya. Demi mempertahankan daya
kompetisi, negeri singa itu berencana menurunkan pajak perusahaan
(korporat) minimal 1 persen dari yang berlakukan saat ini sebesar 20
Penasihat Senior Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew, seperti dikutip Sunday Times,
Minggu (21/01), mengatakan, pemotongan pajak ini merupakan bagian dari
strategi untuk meningkatkan daya saing sehingga investor datang bukan
karena suka Singapura melainkan karena Singapura lebih baik dari negara
Singapura ingin mengikuti jejak Hong Kong yang menerapkan pajak perusahaan
sebesar 17,5 persen dan merupakan salah satu yang terendah di dunia


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