North Korea says to hit back at US if attacked.

Seoul, June 22, 2009 (AFP NEWS) - 

North Korea described itself Monday as a "proud nuclear power" and threatened 
to hit back if attacked, as the United States tracked one of its ships on 
suspicion it carries a banned weapons cargo.

Rodong Sinmun, newspaper of the ruling communist party, accused Washington of 
building up its regional firepower and denounced "reckless remarks" that US 
warships would stop and search its cargo vessels.

It is "nonsense" to claim that the North threatens the United States, the paper 
said, but reiterated recent vows not to surrender nuclear weapons.

"As long as the DPRK (North Korea) has become a proud nuclear power, the US 
should take a correct look at who it is dealing with," Rodong said.

"It is a great mistake for the US to think it will not be hurt if it ignores 
this and ignites the fuse of war on the Korean peninsula."

Regional tensions are at their highest for years after the North launched a 
long-range rocket on April 5 and conducted its second nuclear test on May 25, 
attracting tougher UN sanctions.

US and South Korean officials say there are signs it plans another ballistic 
missile launch. A Japanese media report said a rocket could be fired in the 
direction of Hawaii on or around US Independence Day on July 4.

The North staged missile launches in 2006 while the United States was marking 
the holiday.

"This administration -- and our military -- is fully prepared for any 
contingencies," US President Barack Obama told CBS News when asked about the 

The interview was to be aired Monday but excerpts were released in advance.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said last week the military has strengthened 
anti-missile defences around Hawaii.

Defence officials say a US destroyer is tracking a North Korean ship previously 
linked to trafficking in missile-related cargoes -- the first such action since 
a new UN resolution authorised ship inspections by member states.

South Korea's YTN television news channel, citing an intelligence source, said 
the United States suspects that the 2,000-tonne Kang Nam 1 is carrying missiles 
or related parts and is heading for Myanmar via Singapore.

US officials have not said if or when they might ask to search the vessel under 
Resolution 1874, which does not authorise the use of force.

North Korea has reacted defiantly to the latest sanctions, vowing to build more 
nuclear bombs. Some US intelligence officials have been quoted as saying it may 
conduct a third atomic test.

While the US has said it wants the sanctions to bite, China's full cooperation 
in them is seen as essential. It is Pyongyang's sole major ally and leading 
trade partner.

Obama in the interview said there was a strong international consensus against 

The resolution called for tighter cargo inspections, a stricter arms embargo 
and new targeted financial curbs to freeze revenue for the North's nuclear and 
missile sectors.

"That sends a signal... of a unity in the international community that we 
haven't seen in quite some time," Obama told CBS.

"And one of the things that we have been very clear about is that North Korea 
has a path towards rejoining the international community. And we hope they take 
that path. What we're not going to do is to reward belligerence and provocation 
in the way that's been done in the past."

Obama last week called Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions a "grave threat" and vowed 
to defend South Korea after talks in Washington with South Korean President Lee 

The North in turn accused Obama and Lee of "trying to ignite a nuclear war." 
"The US-touted provision of 'extended deterrence, including a nuclear umbrella' 
(for South Korea) is nothing but 'a nuclear war plan,'" the state-run weekly 
Tongil Sinbo said in a weekend commentary.


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