For record only :
2185-2160 = +25 (1.15%)

--- In, "ichingprediction" <wimanto...@...> 
> ICHING answer :
> Yin (New)
> Yang (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
>       The present is embodied in Hexagram 8 - Pi (Union): There is good 
> fortune, but let him reexamine himself. Let him divine whether his virtue be 
> great, unremitting, and firm. If it be so, there will be no error. Those who 
> have not rested will then come to him. With those who are too late in coming, 
> it will be ill.
>       There are no changing lines, and hence the situation is expected to 
> remain the same in the immediate future.
>       The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the 
> upper trigram K'an (Water), which represents danger and the unknown.
>       The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the 
> lower trigram K'un (Earth), which represents docility and receptivity.
> ------
> Interpretasi ane : BEI berfluktuasu dgn kemungkinan turun. Deviasi tetap or 
> naik dikit.
> Disc. on always.

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