haahhahhaahha buset d

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-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Earwicker <dean.earwic...@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally....
Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

On 7/24/09, boyz <m457...@yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
> Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
> here.
> This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
> debate.
> Background:
>     * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
> 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
> Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
> 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
>     * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
> Arguments:
> Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
> besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
> Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
> potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.
> Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
> memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
> psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
> euphoria market regional.
> So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
> Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
> Please share your opinion.
> (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
> macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
> line of this post).
> Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.
> Salam,

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