SEC rule on 'naked' short-selling now permanent
SEC makes emergency rule targeting 'naked' short-selling permanent
By Marcy Gordon, AP Business Writer
On Monday July 27, 2009, 7:54 pm EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal regulators on Monday made permanent an emergency 
rule put in at the height of last fall's market turmoil that aims to reduce 
abusive short-selling.

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it took the action on the 
rule targeting so-called "naked" short-selling, which was due to expire Friday.

Short-sellers bet against a stock. They generally borrow a company's shares, 
sell them, and then buy them when the stock falls and return them to the lender 
-- pocketing the difference in price.

"Naked" short-selling occurs when sellers don't even borrow the shares before 
selling them, and then look to cover positions sometime after the sale.

The SEC rule includes a requirement that brokers must promptly buy or borrow 
securities to deliver on a short sale.

Brokers acting for short sellers must find a party believed to be able to 
deliver the shares within three days after the short-sale trade. If the shares 
aren't delivered within that time, there is deemed to be a "failure to 
deliver." Brokers can be subject to penalties if the failure to deliver isn't 
resolved by the start of trading on the following day.

At the same time, the SEC has been considering several new approaches to 
reining in rushes of regular short-selling that also can cause dramatic plunges 
in stock prices.

Investors and lawmakers have been clamoring for the SEC to put new brakes on 
trading moves they say worsened the market's downturn starting last fall. SEC 
Chairman Mary Schapiro has said she is making the issue a priority.

Some securities industry officials, however, have maintained that the SEC's 
emergency order on "naked" short-selling brought unintended negative 
consequences, such as wilder price swings and turbulence in the market.

The five SEC commissioners voted in April to put forward for public comment 
five alternative short-selling plans. One option is restoring a Depression-era 
rule that prohibits short sellers from making their trades until a stock ticks 
at least one penny above its previous trading price. The goal of the so-called 
uptick rule is to prevent selling sprees that feed upon themselves -- actions 
that battered the stocks of banks and other companies over the last year.

Another approach would ban short-selling for the rest of the trading session in 
a stock that declines by 10 percent or more.

Schapiro said last week the SEC could decide on a final course of action in 
"the next several weeks or several months."

Sen. Ted Kaufman, D-Del., one of a bipartisan group of seven senators who have 
been pushing the SEC to rein in short-selling overall or face legislative 
action, said Monday that "investors need to see concrete steps."

"Instead of proposing action today to deal with the problem, the SEC apparently 
is content to let potential solutions sit on the shelf for another two months," 
Kaufman said in a statement. "... If the market were to decline precipitously 
again and the banks propped up by taxpayer funds were to become vulnerable 
again, that is not an insignificant risk."

In addition to making the "naked" short-selling rule permanent, the SEC and its 
staff are working with major stock exchanges to make data on short-sale 
transactions and volumes publicly available through the exchanges' Web sites, 
the SEC announcement said. It will result in "a substantial increase" over the 
amount of information currently required, the agency said.

"Today's actions demonstrate the (SEC's) determination to address short-selling 
abuses while at the same time increasing public disclosure of short-selling 
activities that affect our markets," Schapiro said in a statement.

The SEC also said it will hold a public hearing on Sept. 30 to address stock 
lending for short-selling and possible new disclosures related to short-selling 
that could be required.

The actions were announced the same day a new advisory committee, established 
to advise the SEC on regulatory issues, financial disclosure, trading fees and 
other matters, held its first public meeting at the agency's Washington 

Schapiro, who took the helm of the agency in January, created the committee to 
gather views from parties outside Wall Street and Washington -- one of a number 
of measures designed to strengthen the SEC at a time when it has been called on 
to help restore investor confidence shattered by the worst financial crisis in 
more than 70 years.

Separately Monday, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the Senate Banking 
Committee, said he has asked Schapiro to ban the practice of so-called "flash 
trading," which enables some big Wall Street banks and hedge funds to get an 
advance look at investors' stock orders before they hit the market.

The use of super-fast computers by those participants to spy on orders gives 
them an unfair advantage, Schumer wrote in a letter Schapiro. If the SEC fails 
to act, Schumer said he would consider proposing legislation to ban flash 

"This kind of unfair access seriously compromises the integrity of our markets 
and creates a two-tiered system where a privileged group of insiders receive 
preferential treatment, depriving others of a fair price for their 
transactions," Schumer told Schapiro.

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