In other words --> Chinese gov hv a great optimism on the recovery progress!!! 

-----Original Message-----
From: M Herman <>

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 23:10:00 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] becareful ....

Aug. 21 (Bloomberg) -- China plans to tighten capital requirements for banks, 
threatening to curb the record lending that’s fueled a 60 percent rally in the 
nation’s stock market, three people familiar with the matter said. 

The China Banking Regulatory Commission sent a draft of rule changes to banks 
on Aug. 19 requiring them to deduct all existing holdings of subordinated and 
hybrid debt sold by other lenders from supplementary capital, said the people, 
who have seen the document. Banks have until Aug. 25 to give feedback, said the 
people, who declined to be identified as the matter is private. 

As a result, banks may need to rein in lending or sell shares to lift capital 
adequacy ratios to the 12 percent mandated by the regulator. Chinese stocks 
briefly entered a so- called bear market this week on concerns the government 
would stymie new loans that exceeded $1 trillion in the first half. A news 
department official at the regulator declined to comment by phone and didn’t 
immediately respond to a faxed inquiry. 

“This move will cut one of the most important funding sources for banks,” said 
Sheng Nan, an analyst at UOB Kayhian Investment Co. in Shanghai. Banks will 
“have to either raise more equity capital or slow down lending and other 
capital consuming businesses to stay afloat.” 

China’s banks have sold 236.7 billion yuan ($34.6 billion) of subordinated 
bonds so far this year, almost triple the amount issued during all of 2008. The 
banking regulator estimates about half of the subordinated bonds in circulation 
are cross-held among banks. 

Record Lending 

Those debt sales came as new loans rose to a record 7.37 trillion yuan in the 
first half. About 1.16 trillion yuan of loans were invested in stocks in the 
first five months of this year, China Business News reported on June 29, citing 
Wei Jianing, a deputy director at the Development and Research Center under the 
State Council, China’s cabinet. 

“I’m worried about a correction in a market that has been driven by cheap 
money,” Devan Kaloo, who oversees $11.5 billion as head of global emerging 
markets at Aberdeen Asset Management Ltd., said Aug. 19. 

China’s benchmark Shanghai Composite Index almost doubled during the first 
seven months of this year through Aug. 4, after falling 65 percent in 2008. 
Since reaching this year’s high on Aug. 4, it’s plummeted 15 percent. The index 
on Aug. 19 briefly fell 20 percent from this year’s high, the threshold for a 
bear market, before ending the day down 19.8 percent. The gauge rebounded 
yesterday, rising 4.5 percent. 

Credit Concerns 

The weighted average capital adequacy ratio of 205 commercial Chinese banks at 
the end of 2008 was 12 percent, up 3.7 percentage points from a year earlier, 
according to the industry’s annual report. The weighting was strongly affected 
by the nation’s five-largest banks, which account for 52 percent of assets in 
the industry. 

The banking regulator has indicated it’s concerned about excessive credit 
creation. Last month, the commission ordered lenders to raise reserves against 
non-performing loans, to ensure loans for fixed asset investments go to 
projects that support the real economy and announced plans to tighten rules on 
working capital loans. 

Banks are allowed to count subordinated bonds they sell as supplementary or 
lower-Tier 2 capital. In the event of bankruptcy, holders of subordinated notes 
receive payment only after other debt claims are paid in full. 

The regulator’s rule change requires banks to subtract all existing holdings of 
subordinate bonds issued by other lenders from their own subordinated bonds 
being counted as supplementary capital. 

Hybrid Bonds 

In addition, the new rules also limit the amount of subordinated or hybrid 
bonds banks can hold, the people said. A bank’s holding of subordinated and 
hybrid bonds issued by a single bank can’t exceed 15 percent of its core 
capital, the people said. Holdings of all subordinate and hybrid bonds issued 
by banks can’t exceed 20 percent of core capital. 

The regulator has called on small publicly traded banks to have a minimum 
capital adequacy ratio of 12 percent by year’s end, up from the current 10 
percent. The ratio, a measure of how much in losses a bank can absorb, is 
calculated by dividing capital by risk-weighted assets. A bank’s risk-weighted 
assets are comprised partly of loans. 

After deducting subordinated bonds issued by other banks, lenders must either 
raise core capital or reduce their loans to meet the capital adequacy ratio 

“It’ll be hard for commercial banks to sell subordinate bonds because much of 
the debt is sold to their counterparts,” said Xu Xiaoqing, a bond analyst at 
China International Capital Corp. in Beijing. “This rule would tighten lending 
by commercial banks, especially small and medium sized banks that have 
relatively less capital.” 

For Related News and Information: Top financial stories: FTOP <GO> Stories on 
China Banks: TNI CHINA BNK <GO> Comparison with peers: 1398 HK <Equity> PPC 

--- On Fri, 8/21/09, M Herman <> wrote:

> From: M Herman <>
> Subject: Re: [ob] CINA jebol tuh
> To:
> Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 1:05 AM
>                   tadi
> ada yg kirim artikel dari bloomberg (lewat ym ..sayang
> kehapus) katanya pemerintah cina akan membatasi pinjaman
> bank karena disinyalir banyak yg dipake main di pasar saham
> . Likuiditas akan mengkerut market china akan terhambat
> kenaikannya or mungkin terus turun.  ntar saya coba
> liat di deh 
> --- On Thu, 8/20/09, kidod25 <kido...@yahoo.
> com> wrote:
> From: kidod25 <kido...@yahoo. com>
> Subject: [ob] CINA jebol tuh
> To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 10:53 PM
> http://finance.
> q/ta?s=000001. SS&t=3m&l=
> on&z=m&q= l&p=m20,m50, m100,m200& a=m26-12-
> 9,fs,r14& c=
> MA 100 udah jebol di cina
> IHSG sptnya akan nyusul 1-2 bulan ke depan.,
> http://finance.
> q/ta?s=^JKSE&t=6m&l=
> on&z=m&q= l&p=m100, m50,m20&a= m26-12-9,
> r14&c=


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