I Love You, Elaine.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *Dear all, would you like to share with me?
> **#1 About bonds:..
> I took big bets on IDR bonds in the past months. If you were on my position
> where your main task is to PROTECT (instead of GROW) your assets, will you
> take the same strategy? If so, why? I know most of you are stock traders,
> but please share your opinion, at least from your point of view of the
> monetary condition.
> *

I think, it is not only investor (or fund managers) that have main task to
protect their assets.
If you betting your assets / capital to chase profit or gain, you are not
different than a gambler or speculator.
Professional trader usually have rule : *Protection Of Capital First, Making
Money Second*.

*"The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of
defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy."*

If i were on your position, I think i will bet some of my future gain from
bonds on stock market.
*Example:* If i manage IDR 1 Billion, and put 950 Million in Bonds (let say,
10% coupon) . My fund would grow to IDR 1,095 Billion in next year.
During that period, i have room of IDR 50 million to bet.
Let say if i ruin that 50 million to zero, in the next year my funds will
become IDR 1.045 Billion. (You still make growth although you broke 50
Million on stock market).

But if i were lucky, my fund would growth more.

This is just a simple model, *i am sure* you have more complicated model
than this. :)

> *#2 About currency:...
> ID govt must be very careful with intervention to the currency as we all
> know that since they signed up with ACFTA, Indonesia's trade surplus have
> been shrinking vs China (it means your import from China is much bigger than
> your export). If this continues, you may get trade deficits, and deficits
> may weaken your currency. (and may in return force me to sell bonds)*
> *

On currency i agree with u. It's hard for me to believe that ID gov have
ability and capability to maintain IDR or to stabilize it.

*#3 About stock:...
> India has just having INFLATION on soft commodity sector (food), its ripple
> effect may pick up the palm oil demand. (Please elaborate from
> fundamental/technical pov). I think it should bring positive sentiment to
> the plantation sector (palm oil, corn, soybean)
> *

I agree with you more :)

*Embah, what do you think?
> Elaine*
> ** No choice. It depends on your govt action.*


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