ETF is boring
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-----Original Message-----
From: Elaine Sui <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:10:48 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] ETF

*I'm thinking about ETF in IDX. What do you think about..

   - *All-Commodity ETF (GSCI benchmark)
   - *Bakrie Seven ETF (hey, can't live without 'em..lolz)
   - *All-Defensive ETF (consumers, telecomms, infrastructure)*
   - *Crude Oil ETF, USDIDR ETF, etc*

*Note that each ETF has its own SHORT version. (All commodity Short ETF,
Bakrie Seven Short ETF, etc). **Do you think these kind of products will
sell in IDX? Instead of buying individual stock, you can invest like a pro
by buying ETF. Please share your opinion..



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