Terima kasih Kang....

On Thu, 2009-09-24 at 20:59 +0700, Bagus Putra Perdana wrote:
> kemungkinan iya pak. blon akan ke-reflect di laporan H1. kalo jadi di
> proposed dan dinyatakan wajar maka deal ini baru akan kita lihat
> jelasnya di laporan Q3 ato malah di annual 09 kalo finalisasinya
> dilakukan setelah bulan september.
> things about bakrie group, talkin bout their marvelous acrobatic
> maneuver, it'd been always a slight twist to judge whether they were
> boldly brilliant or uncarefully sloppy with their moves.
> there is some element of strategical decision on the deal if the money
> would be used properly ;
> I.E.
> Increasing A Production Level is One Thing, Selling it at a good price
> is another, by making a partnering deal with CIC. they could use some
> doors to increase penetration to China Proxy, a major coal consumer
> these days and on the future.
> at a rough elaboration, i can picture some good moves to the usage of
> 1.9 Bn to these kind of moves.
> * 1.9 Bn Cash Receipt. - 240 Mn Annual Payment
> Spend Some 500-700 Mn For Fixed Assets Spending on coal such as port
> extension and heavyweight equipment.
> another 500-600 Mn spend on fieldworks related to ensure Contractors
> would be able to meet the expansion production level delivered on
> target.
> some 700-800 Mn would be sitting on Riskless Investment that Yield
> some 6-8 % and would be steadily prepared for payment of the interest
> debt coupon of 250 Mn P/A (only for meeting the coupon payment
> liabilities), (of course they can use some part of it at some
> investment yielding even more than 12 % but that wont be Riskless that
> would be Reckless.)
> there will be 4 Years before the 1st tranche principal payment of 600
> Mn part of the 1.9 Bio. assuming the coupon is secured by those 700Mn
> reserves.
> They have to ensure the 1.2 Bio Spending On Production Related assets
> could be executed to enhance production level to atleast 100 Mn Tonne
> Production P/A before the 4 years time period come.
> If They Can do that, they would later Re-Sell  Their Equities (or
> having their debt converted to equities) at a larger value from today.
> hence they will be able to atleast meet the principal payment for the
> 1st tranche of the debt.
> But That Can Only Happen IF THEY REALLY SPEND THE 1.9 BIO For Coal
> Production Related Action and deliver it with a good timeliness.
> that is only my rough mind guessin. too bad we public shareholders
> cant be rest assured the management would do so. things would be awful
> if management use the money for another reckless acquisition or
> market-price related action.
> Public Shareholders should have reliable controllers on the board to
> ensure decision would always be taken on shareholders best intersets
> behalf. 
> just my 2 cents.
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Ferry <ferry.wachj...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         Kang,
>         Ini harusnya masuk ke lap-keu BUMI Sep 09 kan?
>         Thanks, 
>         On Thu, 2009-09-24 at 17:59 +0700, Bagus Putra Perdana wrote:
>         > 
>         > False Logic Brother. Liabilities itu bagian dari Aset jg.
>         Liabilities
>         > nambah maka Aset jg nambah, 1.9 Bio USD ini akan
>         bertransformasi dr
>         > bentuk kas ke modal kerja atau ke fixed asset atau ke
>         akuisisi non
>         > hard-assets yg menambah intangibles.
>         > 
>         > unik juga sebenernya manuver ini, sayang belon ada detail yg
>         dikasih
>         > ke Publik. Sitting and existing credit fascilities yg
>         dipegang BUMI
>         > saat ini rata2 LIBOR + 2,5 - 3.5 %. clearly pergantian ke 12
>         % coupon
>         > gak akan banyak restrukturisasi keuangan BUMI. paling enggak
>         dr sisi
>         > profitabilitas.
>         > 
>         > Buat TATA gak akan ada masalah sih krn mereka masuk lewat
>         KPC dan
>         > Arutminnya, sementara CIC kasih debt ke BUMI. buat exisiting
>         > shareholder harusnya ada keterangan yg dikasih dulu krn 1.9
>         Bio USD
>         > ini jumlahnya material baik dr sisi balance dan P & L. ini
>         akan makan
>         > Earning Before Taxes yg jadi jatah pemegang ekuitas,
>         lagipula biasanya
>         > kreditur selalu maen aman dan minta jaminan, fasilitas
>         credit suisse
>         > dulu minta jaminannya aset terlancar dari BUMI yaitu Piutang
>         Usaha
>         > BUMI.
>         > 
>         > Aset BUMI jadi terkesan rada artificial, Kas dan Aset akan
>         meningkat
>         > di akhir tahun signifikan, tapi datangnya mostly dari debt
>         addition yg
>         > tranche pembayaran pokoknya 4-6 tahun dr skrg.
>         > 
>         > Interest Expense pada tahun keuangan 2008 adalah 43 Juta USD
>         (Net stlh
>         > Interest Paid Dari Akun kas Bank) dgn total outstanding debt
>         sekitar
>         > 1,3 Bio USD, sebagian debt baru masuk di semester akhir sih.
>         tapi
>         > acuan dr q1 09 aja beban bunga sekitar 21 Juta dari
>         outstanding 1,3
>         > Bio kalo di annualized kira2 100 Juta USD untuk 1,3 Bio.
>         clearly below
>         > 12 % interest Coupon payment. so where goes the
>         Restructuring Part of
>         > the deal?.
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 1,9 Bio Is A Huge Amount, Damocles Sword Must Be Placed On
>         BUMI's
>         > board management Office.
>         > 
>         > if they can use it properly, it'd surely unleash some good
>         story.
>         > 
>         > come to think of it, wont be such easy tasks to do so.
>         > 
>         > 12 % Cost of 1.9 Bio equal 230 Mn P/A, applying Operating
>         Margin Of 35
>         > %, they needed to booked a minimum extra 650 Mn Revenue To
>         Neutralized
>         > the effect of the debt payment to the shareholders
>         bottom-line.
>         > 
>         > At Current Coal Price outlook, a 650 Mn extra Revenue would
>         be a
>         > roughly equal to minimumm addition 8-9 Mn Tonne P/A
>         Production starts
>         > from 1st coupon payment schedule
>         > 
>         > Thats Quite ThroatGasping. Or Perhaps only this kind of
>         burden on
>         > Management's weigh could push the management go faster on
>         > production-addition related decision?!. surely put more
>         pressure on
>         > it. They SHOULD mainly use the Cash For Production related
>         Decision.
>         > 
>         > If They Can Assure Us Its Going to be used for Good ROIC
>         generator, it
>         > would be a mind relievin. surely.
>         > 
>         > Public Shareholder Should Placed An Officer in the
>         management to
>         > ensured this would be done properly.
>         > 
>         > if not, hefty consequences, BUMI's Financial quality would
>         be
>         > deteriorating and cash burn will likely to shows upcoming
>         years
>         > 
>         > 
>         > what do u say El? this CIC Inception? Pro or Cons?
>         > 
>         > i wish they'll use the money not for another acquisitions
>         and
>         > market-related actions...
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Peter Alimin
>         <milis...@live.com>
>         > wrote:
>         > 
>         > 
>         > ini ada analisa dari warung sebelah, cmiiw..
>         > 
>         > Warrant Bumi yang dipegang CIC = U$ 1,9 Milliar X Rp.
>         10.000,-
>         > = Rp.,-. 
>         > Pada harga Executeable Share BUMI-W Rp. 4.000,- yang
>         dipegang
>         > harus ada underlying share sebanyak = 4.750.000.000 Lembar 
>         > atau sebanyak 24% dari Total saham BUMI yang ada sekarang
>         ini=
>         > lembar 
>         > Kalau BUMI belum punya Treasury Stock sebanyak 4.750.000.000
>         > lembar pada saat akan dieksekusi oleh CIC dan baru akan
>         > menerbitkan saham baru sebanyak 4.750.000.000 lembar maka
>         > pemegang saham BUMI lama saat itu nilainya bakal TERDILUSI
>         > sebesar +/- 25% 
>         > 
>         > Mr. Dillep. apakah BUMI sudah punya saham Treasury sebagai
>         > underlying warrant CIC ??? I DON'T KNOW !!!! 
>         > 
>         > Bunga yang harus dibayar untuk HUTANG ini 19% X Rp.
>         >,- = Rp. 3.610.000.000.000,-/tahun dibagi
>         > jumlah saham lembar equivalen Rp. 180,5/
>         saham 
>         > 
>         > 1Q09 BUMI : 
>         > 
>         > Total Asset = US$ 5,5 M 
>         > 
>         > Total Kewajiban = US$ 3,4 M + Hutang dari CIC China = US$
>         1,9
>         > M , sekarang jadi = US$ 5,3 M 
>         > 
>         > Hanya ada sisa nilai sebesar US$ 0,2 M atau US$ 200 Juta
>         dari
>         > Asset BUMI untuk 20 M lembar pemegang saham sekarang ini
>         atau
>         > senilai cuma RP. 100,- /Lembar saham
>         > 
>         > 
>         > ??
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > __________________________________________________________
>         > To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
>         > From: milis...@live.com
>         > Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 22:14:20 +0700
>         > Subject: [ob] bumi
>         > 
>         > 
>         > PT Bumi Resources Tbk (“Bumi”) announced that China
>         Investment
>         > Corporation (“CIC”) has invested US$1.9 billion in Bumi in
>         the
>         > form of a debt-like instrument. The US$1.9 billion
>         > investment consists of US$600 million repayable in year 4,
>         US
>         > $600 million in year 5, and remaining US$700 million in year
>         > 6. The investment attracts a 12% annual cash coupon with a
>         > total IRR of 19%, the balance payable at the time of final
>         > maturities. The funds will be used for debt restructuring
>         > and capital expenditure. “We are honored by this historic
>         > and transformational investment by CIC, the leading
>         sovereign
>         > fund in the world. The investment will enable Bumi to
>         > implement its growth strategies quickly and provide a stable
>         > capital structure. More importantly, the partnership creates
>         > the platform for CIC and Bumi to pursue investment
>         > opportunities jointly”, remarked Ari Hudaya, President
>         > Director and CEO of Bumi, one of the leading natural
>         resources
>         > companies in Asia with world-class coal assets. CIC,
>         > wholly-owned by the People’s Republic of China, is one of
>         the
>         > largest and reputable investment institutions in the world.
>         > Bumi is Indonesia's largest producer and one of the world’s
>         > largest exporter of thermal coal with strong practices in
>         > community development, corporate social responsibility
>         > and corporate governance. PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia
>         > acted as arranger and financial advisor, and Jones Day acted
>         > as legal advisor to Bumi. Deutsche Bank and China
>         > International Capital Corporation (CICC) acted as financial
>         > advisors and Davis Polk & Wardwell acted as legal advisor to
>         > CIC in this transaction. - just announced 2 hours ago,,, 
>         > 
>         > CMIIW
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > __________________________________________________________
>         > With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your
>         > photos. 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > __________________________________________________________
>         > Share your memories online with anyone you want anyone you
>         > want. 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > -- 
>         > Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an
>         approximation to
>         > the complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know
>         it. In
>         > fact, everything we know is only some kind of approximation,
>         because
>         > we know that we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore,
>         things
>         > must be learned only to be unlearned again or, more likely,
>         to be
>         > corrected.......The test of all knowledge is experiment.
>         Experiment is
>         > the sole judge of scientific “truth”. - Richard Feynman
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
>         > 
> -- 
> Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to
> the complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In
> fact, everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because
> we know that we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things
> must be learned only to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be
> corrected.......The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is
> the sole judge of scientific “truth”. - Richard Feynman

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