NY Fed: Testing Exit Tool, Not Using It Yet

Published: Monday, 19 Oct 2009 | 11:19 PM ET 

By: Reuters

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York said on Monday that it is testing one of 
its tools for withdrawing cash from the banking system, but stressed this 
should not be taken to mean that it is about to use it.

The Federal Reserve -- the U.S. central bank -- has said that so-called 
"reverse repos" could be one way to drain excess reserves when the time comes 
to reverse the massive cash injections it has made into the banking system.

"This work is a matter of prudent advance planning by the Federal Reserve, and 
no inference should be drawn about the timing of monetary policy tightening," 
the New York Fed -- the U.S. central bank's operational arm -- said in a 

The debate over when the Fed should rein in its support is growing louder. U.S. 
policy-makers have stressed that now is not the time to tighten monetary 
policy, but there have been differences about what rules of thumb to use to 
determine how soon the first rate hike should come.

The Fed cut its benchmark interest rate to near zero percent in December and 
pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the financial system as it combated 
the financial crisis. It will eventually need to withdraw that support, or risk 

The influential weekly magazine Barron's chimed in this week with a picture of 
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke on its cover and a headline that read: "It's time to 
raise rates, Ben."

Recent news reports that the Fed was testing reverse repos had been fanning 
speculation that the central bank is about to drain liquidity by selling assets 
such as Treasuries to dealers for cash with an agreement to buy them back later 
at a higher price. The New York Fed's announcement sent U.S. Treasuries briefly 

The New York Fed said it has been working over the past year to ensure that 
"this tool will be ready when and if" the policy-setting Federal Open Market 
Committee (FOMC) decides to use it.

It said the tests were of their systems and that no reserves have changed 
hands. It said there will be more tests.

"Communications around the exit strategy remain a challenge for the Fed. While 
the FOMC would like the reassurance of knowing that new reserve management 
tools will work as planned, testing those tools risks leading the market to 
believe that rate hikes are imminent," said Michael Feroli, U.S. economist at 

"Today's statement by the NY Fed was a first effort to distinguish tests of 
exit strategies from the commencement of the exit," he wrote in a note to 

Tri-Party Planning

Repos and reverse repos have been in the Fed's toolkit for years and both were 
used as recently as December 2008. 

The focus of the Fed's recent discussions and tests was to get the 
documentation and systems in place to be able to conduct so-called tri-party 
reverse repos, the New York Fed said.

In the tri-party repo market, clearing banks JPMorgan Chase & Co and Bank of 
New York act as intermediaries, which allows for a wider range of instruments 
to be used in a transaction.

The Fed has been conducting tri-party repos -- though not tri-party reverse 
repos -- with primary dealers since 1999. 

Bernanke said in July that the central bank could conduct reverse repos with 
other institutions aside from the network of primary dealers, its usual trading 

Some analysts have said the primary dealers on their own would not be able to 
conduct reverse repurchase operations of the scale likely to be needed. 

Analysts say the Fed could conduct reverse repos with money market funds, for 

The Fed has more than doubled its balance sheet -- its credit to the banking 
system -- to more than  $2 trillion to battle the crisis.

The New York Fed said the central bank is "continuing to study this issue, and 
no decisions have been made regarding the types of firms that may be included."

The New York Fed will "engage market participants on this subject as 
appropriate going forward," it said.

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