No one can be blamed including M. Rozak. That's the nature of stock market.

Market makers take lead. We just follow their game. If we think that we are 
against the market, simply cut-loss, period!.

Market Maker, BOZZ or whatever we may call is just FOCUSING on Making Money as 
much as possible. They will use every single momentum to create FEAR and 
OPTIMISM for the sake of their best interest.

There is no free lunch in stock market. Our gain isn't at the mercy of 
BOZZ/BANDAR. Even Ordinary people is much nicer than BOZZ/Market 

So we must be prepared!!! Loss or gain is a matter of time, it is a matter of 
luck and it's a matter of the way we see, that's all!!!

Hehehe...(ternyata tidak semudah yang dibayangkan untuk mendapat cuan di stock 
market kecuali beli pgas di 1050 dan hold hingga sekarang). 

Sent from my XL BlackBerry®.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."          

-----Original Message-----
From: kelvin Chang <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 07:37:55 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] MAN OF THIS MONTH IS MR ROZAK..... WHY ?????

kenape ?? i jg kagak tau, cuman iseng doank, hehehe
mgkn cuman die yg bisa buat BD ngamuk, wkwkwkwkwkw
sorry ya boss rozak, cuman becanda doank... ^ ^


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