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-----Original Message-----
From: juliant...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:34:13 
To: Obrolan Bandar<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [ob] (unknown)

Iseng ah :Carito Ranah 

MinangEnemy at the Gates ? Lah tibo lawan di pintu?

BatmanForever ?Kalalauang

Remember the Titans ? Lai Takana jo si Titan

The Italian Job ? Karajo maliang

Die Hard ? Payah matinyo

Die Hard II ? Alun Juo Mati Lai??

Die Hard III With A Vengeance ? Ondeh Mandeh.. ndak juo mati mati doh??

Bad Boys ? Anak Kalera

Sleepless in Seattle ? Mangantuak..

Lost in Space ? Ilang di awang awang

Brokeback Mountain ? Gunuang patah tulangnyo

Cheaper by Dozens ? Bali salusin tambah murah.

.You?ve got Mail ? Ado surek tuh ha?

Paycheck ? Pitih Gaji

Independence Day ? Hari Rayo

The Day After Tomorrow ? Saisuak

Die Another Day ? Ndak kini matinyo..?

There is Something About Marry ? Manga si Merry yo..?

Silence of the Lamb ? Kambiang pangambok

All The Pretty Horses ? Kudonyo rancak-rancak

Planet of the Apes ? Planet Siamang

Gone in Sixty Seconds ? Barangkek lah waang Lai

Original Sin ? Sabana-bana doso


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


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