Sunny Day Rainy Day
Here is a famous Zen story retold with a twist in the "tail" : 

Part 1 :

The old lady cries when it rains, 
as her washerwoman daughter can't dry the clothes she wash.
The old lady cries when it shines, 
as her umbrella-selling daughter can't sell her umbrellas.

Part 2:

A Zen master comes along and tells her:
Why don't you rejoice when it rains, for your second daughter?
Why don't you rejoice when it shines, for your first daughter?
The old lady agrees, now laughing heartily, be it rain or shine.

Part 3:

Another Zen Master comes along again and tells her:
Why aren't you sad when it rains, for your first daughter?
Why aren't you sad when it shines, for your second daughter?
Is there really reason to be elated or sad? 
To go through emotional highs and lows?
The old lady becomes calm... enlightened in peaceful equanimity.
What is the deeper meaning of the above story?
 The Universe principle is just the way things are.
It is by nature neither pessimistic nor optimistic;
It is realistic.



Which is more important?
Rain or shine?
Neither - We need both equally.



While you are praying for rain,
someone might be praying for sunshine.
Who should answers who's prayers?



The sun shines 
to vaporise fallen rain
to form clouds
to form rain
to form fallen rain
to form clouds...



Is the proverbial glass of water half full or half empty?
It doesn't matter - 
Just drink it when thirsty.



Nature takes itself naturally.
When we do not accept it as it is,
we are unnatural,
not at peace with nature,
not at home with our God-nature.



After the sunshine comes the rain.
After the rain comes the sunshine.

The sun has no intention to bake you dry.
The sky has no intention to cry.

Why not soak in the sun?
Why not bask in the rain?


I don't know 
if this is good or bad;
for it is just like that.



To set up what you like against what you dislike
This is the disease of the mind: 
When the deep meaning (of the Way) is not understood 
Peace of mind is disturbed to no purpose...
The enlightened have no likes and dislikes:
All forms of dualism
Are contrived by the ignorant themselves. 
They are like unto visions and flowers in the air; 
Why should we trouble ourselves to take hold of them? 
Gain and loss, right and wrong –
Away with them once for all!
-3rd Chinese Patriarch of Zen Seng T'san


Silently sitting by the window.
Leaves fall and flowers bloom.
The seasons come and go.
Could there be a better life?

-Zen Poem


Spring flowers, autumn moon, 
Summer breeze, winter snow -
When the mind is free from unnecessary thoughts,
Every season is just perfect!



This life is a flash which comes and goes 
like spring blossoms which fade and fall.
Friends, don't fear prospering then passing,
like the dew on the morning grass.


You don't need to avoid or deny anything.
It is enough to just know about it.
When you are busy trying to avoid something, it's still affecting you.
Simply cease to be affected or impelled by anything
and you'll find you are free.



A flower falls 
even though we love it
and a weed grows 
even though we do not love it

-Dogen Zenji


In the landscape of spring,
There is neither high nor low;
The flowering branches grow naturally,
Some long, some short.

-Zenrin Poem


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