ASII-nya mana?

Hehehehe ....


On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Bagus Putra Perdana <
disclosure....@gmail.com> wrote:

> No Biggie Mrs Fifi.., I do Think I'm Not Cut Out to be on the List. and
> true Its great to look on those 10 maestros and their state of the art works
> (Plus Mr Eka Suwendana And Oentoeng The Bare-hand Style Master.,) well i
> myselves prefer to admires and look up to them along with the rest of the
> guys here than have myselves stood at the podium with the all-too-good noble
> ones which i keen to say i am not good enough to be on the same league as
> them...
> ^_^ Cheers...
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:58 PM, fifi young <fifiyoun...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Kang Ocoy,
>> I didn't know that Bagus Putra Perdana is Kang Ocoy - a person/FA which
>> Mbah always looking for...
>> I personally admired you so much, because every article that you wrote,
>> gave me a cool breeze...sort of free lectures without going to college, and
>> free of charge. I really appreciate that.
>> But due to lack of the frequency of your  posting, your name wasn't really
>> embedded in my memory when spontaneous writing for that posting occured.
>> My judgment were based on the frequency of one's posting, but that doesn't
>> mean that I have neglected or ignored those who really considered to be the
>> best.
>> Please accept my apology for being unaware.
>> And please don't take it seriously cause this is only my personal judgment
>> as I am only less than 2 years (15 months) in OB. Too embarrassing also to
>> let you know that I don't know Eka Suwendana...
>> Your credibility is unquestionable, absolutely respectable...
>> I can count on it.
>>   On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana <
>> disclosure....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> the 10 Person List Is Very Cool., dengan exception bahwa saya berpendapat
>>> Pak Oen dan Pak Eka Suwendana adalah truly "the real deal" dan secara
>>> personal selalu respek dan nunggu komen2 mereka.
>>> i'm not cut out to be listed on the list. not a single scratch worthy
>>> enough to have my name on the wanted-list. just a bystander, stand aside
>>> equal to the rest of all the buddies here. nothing more and nothing less.
>>> waiting, and learning from all of the great man (and women) here.
>>> terima kasih Pak JT atas kritiknya. dan mungkin maaf kalo suka bikin
>>> bingung en susah dimengerti. bikin bingungnya itu tanda bahwa ilmu dan
>>> knowledge saya masih rendah dan belun matang dibandingin sama temen2 dan
>>> senior2 semua disini. thanks, as Einstein Once Said ; "Any intelligent
>>> fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -
>>> and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
>>> fortunately i'm lacking both of the ingredients. the touch of genius
>>> factor, and the courage to simplify things., so, pardon well my stupidity
>>> ladies nad gentlemans...
>>> cheers (cool to have you all around here..)
>>>  On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:57 PM, JT™ <jsxtra...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Yes, kalo bicara FA, Kang Ocoy mah 'Top Gun' lah..., tapi ane mau
>>>> komplain dikit nih Kang.., kalo bisa penyampaiannya pake bahasa yg mudah di
>>>> mengerti dong Kang.., sayang pan analisa kelas satu tapi ngga ketelen sama
>>>> newbie kayak ane...
>>>> www.jsxtrader.com
>>>> “ Trade By Rules, Not HOPE “
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From: *"arsenal ruffinen" <ind_g...@yahoo.com>
>>>> *Date: *Tue, 22 Dec 2009 14:47:46 +0000
>>>>  *To: *<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
>>>> *Subject: *Re: [ob] 10 Most Wanted Person in OB...
>>>> I think kang ocoy can be one of the most wanted person in OB. His
>>>> fundamental analysis very tremendeous
>>>> Powered by aRSeNal BlackBerry®insyaallah nyambung terussssss!
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From: *fifi young <fifiyoun...@gmail.com>
>>>> *Date: *Tue, 22 Dec 2009 19:10:44 +0700
>>>> *To: *<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
>>>> *Subject: *[ob] 10 Most Wanted Person in OB...
>>>>  10 *MOST WANTED* person in OB:
>>>> 1.     *Mbah ** *            : his *passion*, his *wisdom*, his *
>>>> accuracy*, his power to establish the most powerful mail-lists ever
>>>> exist. And yet… he remains a secret to everyone.
>>>> 2.     *JT** *                    : Raja Copet…there’s no other title
>>>> better than this one for him. He is sneaky in terms of stealing BD’s money,
>>>> ooops…stocks trader, I mean; and he has such a *tremendous power* to
>>>> move his followers…when he’s on air, *you bet* everyone is watching
>>>> with pounding heart beats…
>>>> 3.    *Elaine**  *            : Even though she’s off the air right
>>>> now, but for what she has contributed to OB, her superpower to maneuver all
>>>> of her followers, makes her indeed to be the *QUEEN of OB*. Please come
>>>> home, Sweetie…
>>>> 4.    *DE** *                   : his wisdom, precise analysis,
>>>> sometimes too stingy to give his clues… but he’s a funny guy with *high
>>>> sense of humor*; he’s the Jay Leno of OB. A “LAUGH” medicine
>>>> psychiatrist that doesn’t give you any prescription to laugh until you’re
>>>> wet…
>>>> 5.    *Tasrul ** *            : a low profile, doesn’t say much but he
>>>> could give you the best technical analysis amongst all the best.
>>>> 6.    *Hans** *               : another low profile, a very
>>>> trust-worthy individual, empowered with technical analysis, someone you can
>>>> count on…
>>>> 7.    *A9*                    : used to be the General of his armies,
>>>> tremendous impact has also created overwhelmingly joyfulness. But his
>>>> mission wasn’t accomplished to the last frontier, and left his soldiers
>>>> stranded in nowhere land. Please restructure your battalions, General…!
>>>> 8.    *Billy the Kid** *   : this amazing kid, a rising star, blends
>>>> well with all the senior citizen; expect to be the most outstanding 
>>>> analysis
>>>> for years to come…
>>>> 9.    *Boyz*                : a hidden treasure to be explore, maybe
>>>> he’s a little too shy so that he keeps his wisdom under the closet; but 
>>>> he's
>>>> so active when Elaine was on air...  He also possesses high sense of humor.
>>>> Together with the other two senior, they make a good trio kwek kwek…
>>>> 10.***G-Man*             : Wow…! Undeniably that he brings colors to
>>>> OB. A fun and fearless Preman, just name it: BK, Ratu Sima, Rojak… none of
>>>> them can overcome his attacks… his clever and fierce emotions, entitles him
>>>> to be one of the most wanted persons in OB. I can't wait to see him get on
>>>> the ring versus Rojak... hihi...
>>>> Honestly, there are so much interesting persons in OB...
>>>> OB is my second home, I can't live without you now... ayaya.....
>>> --
>>> Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to
>>> the complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
>>> everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
>>> we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
>>> to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected.......The test of all
>>> knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
>>> - Richard Feynman
> --
> Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
> complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
> everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
> we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
> to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected.......The test of all
> knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
> - Richard Feynman

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