Better to watch out. Second week of January might be the last honey moon.... 
Don't ask me why, I just got that feeling....

Have a blessed week-end, everyone...

***No song you can't sing when you have faith, hope, love and commitment*** 

-----Original Message-----
From: "JsxTrader" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 16:01:06 
To: <>; <>
Subject: [ob] Wajib Disyukuri !!

Awal Tahun yang luar Biasa., Minggu pertama perdagangan yang Fantastis
Bombastis Spectakuler,  hebooohhhh.., wajib untuk kita Syukuri  !!


Happy Cuan All.., Have a Nice Weekend !!


Alhamdulilah Ya Allah...



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