Produk tertentu spt textile n elektronik bisa terancam.. tapi bahan baku 
elektronik juga akan lebih murah.. tp industri spt rokok mungkin tidak akan 
apa2. Anehnya ,  penahannya spt SNI baru diberlakukan tahun depan.. Kok aneh 
yah.. mestinya tahun lalu SNI diberlakukan sehingga industri lokal 
terlindungi.. mengapa pemerintah menyetuji\ui FTA dg China ? 
Belakangan ada riset ttg krisis tahap 2 karena commercial property US dan 
hyperinflation yang katanya akan lebih parah dari yg tahun 2008.. Deoresi yg 
mungkin bisa terjadi di mid 2010.. What do you thing. Miss El??

--- On Wed, 1/13/10, It's Elaine! <> wrote:

From: It's Elaine! <>
Subject: [ob] ask: how abt selling indonesia
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 9:04 PM


are imported stuff cheaper there or still same ..? im looking fwd on
the effect on fta w china clould be awesome for shopper..anyway if you
want to survive the comptetition you must sell indonesia, in a good
way, like arts, culture, resources, etc etc i mean they the westerns
and easterns like japs can sell sell hot dog, pizza, fettucini, sushi,
even hairstyle, music, movies, why cant you..

the key is you must be able to 'create value'. wht do you think, well
isntead of selling raw materils why not try to prod finished goods


*mind the typo imtyping with one hand


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