Suheng Koba Yts,

Seseorang yang TITEN artinya seseorang yang hafal, sensitif dan aware akan 
sifat2 sesuatu.
Contohnya Mbah yang sangat TITEN dengan gerakan BD dan IHSG sehingga bisa 
memberikan prediksi yang tepat dan komando yang akurat.
Prof JT sangat TITEN dengan gerakan ADRO sehingga memiliki feeling yang tepat 
kapan mungut dan kapan melepas.
Ibaratnya sudah menjadi instinct, Suheng. Hehehe. Ini ilmu yang sangat tinggi.  


Nin & Club-9The Winning Trader Club facebook: Nindya Gracia   
***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there 
but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for 

--- On Mon, 2/8/10, <> 

From: <>
Subject: JWB: Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Target Serbu
Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 10:22 AM




Sumoy Nindya yg cantik..

Apa tuh Titen?

Hehehe..lg telmi nich,

Habis nongkrongin indek sejak jumat..

Kalau Titien dlm bhs cina tahu..tempat. alamat.atau tempat2 strategis..

Titen=pusar kah?

Wah..salah kali ya..


Lg hujan nich..

Dingin2 sendiri..

Semakin dingin..

Salam sayang 


Nb.sayang persaudaraan.

He3x.entar ada yg cemburu lagi.

--- Sent with System SEVEN - the new generation of mobile messaging

-- pesan orisinal --

Subyek: Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Target Serbu

Dari: "Nindya G" <nind...@yahoo. com>

Tanggal: 08-02-2010 16.08

Suheng Koba sayang,

Betul, Suheng. Harus sabar dan TITEN. Tahu TITEN ga, Suheng? Hehehe.

Kayak Prof JT itu sangat TITEN dengan gerakan ADRO. Jadi cuan melulu kalau di 

Well, Nin ambil anaknya ENRG, Suheng. Mayan, lah. Moga bisa buat beli sate.... 

Sampai besok, ya Suheng?

Nin & Club-9The Winning Trader Club

http://club9saham. blogspot. com/ facebook: Nindya Gracia   

***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there 

but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for 

--- On Mon, 2/8/10, kobayashi mitsukuni <ueno_kobayashi@ id> wrote:

From: kobayashi mitsukuni <ueno_kobayashi@ id>

Subject: Bls: Bls: [ob] Target Serbu

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 8:58 AM


Dear Nindya...

ya..sabar adalah konci Sukses...

Tuh..energi lg di goyang kerawang..

kayanya tadi sy dpt di bawah dech...

mau mantau sejenak ya..



Dari: Nindya G <nind...@yahoo. com>

Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Terkirim: Sen, 8 Februari, 2010 15:37:41

Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Target Serbu


Dear Suheng Koba,

Nin kan sedang latihan sabar.

Seminggu deh. Semoga, ya?

Doa.... doa......

Salam hangat,

Nin & Club-9

The Winning Trader Club

http://club9saham. blogspot. com/

facebook: Nindya Gracia


***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there 

but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for 

--- On Mon, 2/8/10, kobayashi mitsukuni <ueno_kobayashi@ id> wrote:

From: kobayashi mitsukuni <ueno_kobayashi@ id>

Subject: Bls: [ob] Target Serbu

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 8:21 AM


Dear Nindya....

Terbangnya entar nanti malam..

Fly kan..?




Dari: Nindya G <nind...@yahoo. com>

Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Terkirim: Sen, 8 Februari, 2010 15:10:30

Judul: Re: [ob] Target Serbu


Amin, Mbah.

Fibo 62, ya Mbah?

Soalnya Nin takut sekali nyilem, Mbah. Nin lebih nyaman terbang daripada nyilem.

PS: Jend, Mbah sudah kasih kompas, nih. BUMI 2650, ya?



Nin & Club-9

The Winning Trader Club

http://club9saham. blogspot. com/

facebook: Nindya Gracia


***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there 

but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for 

--- On Mon, 2/8/10, jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ id> wrote:

From: jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ id>

Subject: [ob] Target Serbu

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 8:03 AM


Target Serbu

Target 1: Fibo 23 di 2474 , jika tembus lanjutkan ke

Target 2: Fibo 38 di 2503 , jika masih kuat ke

Target 3: Fibo 50 di 2525 dan Fibo 62 di 2547

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