Itu udah lewat bro, hari dikasih angpoa ama Bozz jadi kita ngomong yg manis2 


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-----Original Message-----
From: David Lau <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 14:47:06 
To: <>
Subject: Bls: JWB: Re: Bls: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by 

Iya tuhh...., sy jg denger tuh..., ampe mo jualan siomay segala.



"Cuan Boleh Sendiri, Kalo Nyangkut Mesti Bareng"

Dari: "" <>
Terkirim: Jum, 12 Februari, 2010 13:31:37
Judul: JWB: Re: Bls: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by Conrad

Sudah Bro Jkunci.
Kira2 angpaunya boleh minta ditambah ga ya? 
Thank's ya bro..
Salam cuan juga..

Nb : kemaren siapa yg teriak2 minta ampun ya?

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-- pesan orisinal --
Subyek: Re: Bls: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by Conrad
Dari: jku...@yahoo. com
Tanggal: 12-02-2010 13.06

Hehehe juru kunci yg gituan... Ga gaul ah.... 
Udah dapet angpao lum bro Koba, Bozz lagi bagi2 tuh. Silahkan ke konter 
masing2, terutama konter coal ya Hehehe 


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-----Original Message-----
From: kobayashi mitsukuni <ueno_kobayashi@ id>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 13:52:39 
To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Bls: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by Conrad

Siappppp.... ikut....
Diskon...... .......!! !
wuakakakak.. ..
Salam Cuan Semuanya.

NB : Bro Jkunci..
        wah..juru kunci bisa rame nich dapat angpau..
        kan mau sin cia pd Ziarah....
        hahahahaa... .

Dari: "jku...@yahoo. com" <jku...@yahoo. com>
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Terkirim: Jum, 12 Februari, 2010 12:39:57
Judul: Re: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by Conrad

Saya siap hadir kalo dikasih gratis. Hehehe apa coba... :)

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-----Original Message-----
From: Irwan Napitupulu <irwannapitupulu@>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 12:21:12 
To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by Conrad

Yang sabar ya, Pak De.

Gimana, kalau kita pada gabung saja bikin ws sendiri, pada tanggal
yang sama, di gedung yg sama, dengan harga yg sama, dan materi yang
sama. Head to head, gitu ceritanya. Bedanya, kita pakai bahasa
Indonesia (jelas lebih menguntungkan ketimbang yang pakai bahasa
Inggris), mereka pakai bahasa Inggris.

Jadi, nanti diharapkan yg ngasih TA seperti Mbah, Proft JT, Pak Widhi,
Pak DE, dan yg lainnya lagi yg mau berpartisipasi. Kalau pada mau,
saya harapkan sih pada mau ya, saya koq yakin nanti orang akan lebih
melirik ke ws lokal ini :)

Karena sifatnya kita lagi kampanye "Cintailah produk dalam negeri",
maka hasil keuntungan dari pengadaan acara WS ini saya usulkan akan
kita sumbangkan ke yayasan yang peduli anak2 terlantar atau yang

Kalau pada siap, nanti kita bisa minta bantuan Andry "Omniinvest"
untuk jadi EO acara ini.
Ini sekedar usulan saja, intinya saya siap ikut berpartisipasi.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Dean Earwicker
<dean.earwicker@> wrote:
> hehe iya, galak pisan euy.... pdhl baru undangan..
> 2010/2/12 JsxTrader <jsxtra...@yahoo. com>
>> disemprot si Conrad ye?..., hehe...  lagian pake minta proof  sama orang 
>> TA... wkwkwkw....
>> From: Dean Earwicker <dean.earwicker@>
>> To: Conrad Alvin Lim <conradalvinlim@>
>> Cc: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>> Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 9:48:15 AM
>> Subject: Re: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by Conrad
>> Thanks for the reply Conrad. Yes, we're aware that TA is not 100% fool proof.
>> And yes, I think you misread our intention. We're not trying to take 
>> advantage of you (getting tips, freeloads, etc) or taking you into useless 
>> debates, etc, we have many good traders and trainers here, and many said 
>> (seen on your website) that you're good too so we think you'd like to share 
>> our group just for the sake of a healthy discussion, that's all.
>> But seems you're not interested at all so perhaps other time. Anyway, thanks 
>> for the reply, we appreciate your time. :)
>> --
>> DE
>> 2010/2/12 Conrad Alvin Lim <conradalvinlim@>
>>> Thank you for your invite.
>>> Allow me to clarify a few things ...
>>> "Proof of concept" - I have no idea what proof you require and why it is 
>>> necessary for me to proof anything. TA is something that works when it 
>>> works and fails when it doesn't work. There is no way anyone can proof that 
>>> TA is 100%. So what proof of concept are you looking for?
>>> This was a follow up mail from your group members: "cool, if he and his 
>>> system IS THAT GOOD. he should be initiated by all fellow TA Masters here."
>>> It would seem that your group of fellow TA Masters don't need my help or 
>>> proof because there seems to be little belief that I am "THAT GOOD". Plus I 
>>> don't have the need to be initiated into anything. I am a trader, I love to 
>>> trade and I happen to be good at it and I don't need to proof anything to 
>>> anyone. And I hate being called "Sifu", "Master", "Guru" ... so I have no 
>>> desire of joining or getting initiated into a group of TA Masters. I am 
>>> just a simple trader who loves sharing and doesn't crave a fan-base.
>>> I teach only because I love to teach and meet people. I am not interested 
>>> in growing my classes beyond what it is now. I am not in the business of 
>>> signing up hundreds of students who dream of making it big. I only want 
>>> students who want to work hard, learn properly and learn the right things. 
>>> PROOF of that is the number of classes I hold in Indo every year - 3 only 
>>> with less than 20 paying students per class and I charge them less than 
>>> half of what Singaporeans pay. And I never tell my students that they can 
>>> become rich through trading or that you can get financial freedom. 


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