Brother Tom should I cut loss tomorrow on mncn? Need your advise pls..
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tom DS <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:49:38 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [ob] MNCN

*Btw don't worry on MNCN & BMTR, they still have chances to be priced fairly
too.. 3xx is still too cheap my friend...*
*However it still needs some more catalysts to go up.. just give 'em some
more time.. *

On 2/24/10, Herman <> wrote:
> Pak Tom,
> Your info is awesome ...
> Hari ini keliatan susah sekali naikkin BMTR karena lumayan banyak saham
> yang beredar di publik. Kalo BHIT seenak perut dinaikkin karena yg beredar
> di publik sedikit.
> Cannot agree more yang dah profit TP di BMTR dan MNCN , sekali BHIT turun
> bisa berabe BMTR dan MNCN.
> Regards,
> Herman
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Tom DS <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:04 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [ob] MNCN
> *Yup boss...*
> **
> *There was a concern raised by the management that the bond holder (for
> the last convertible bond of $131million) did not execute its convertible
> right due to low stock price (lower than the strike price). That's why their
> group tried hard for these few days to uplift BHIT. I think if they increase
> the price one more time will be quite enough to give room for the bond
> holder to execute its right.. and they can save cash for another purpose &
> "project".*
> **
> *MNCN & BMTR will likely have different story and has better reason to go
> up.*
> **
> **
> *T.o.m*
> On 2/24/10, Oentoeng <> wrote:
>> Terus terang saya tdk mengikuti FA yg terjadi di Bhakti grup...
>> Cuman saya ada analisa PRICE and VOLUME hari ini untuk BHIT, BMTR and
>> MNCN.
>> Kenaikan BHIT 24% volumenya "cuman" 1/4 nya BMTR atau 1/2 nya MNCN.
>> Padahal BMTR cuman bertahan di kuning, MNCN malah harga merah.
>> Artinya....
>> - Ada indikasi angkat BHIT cuman buat jualan BMTR sama MNCN.
>> - Sama2 CUAN, tapi cuan terbesar (mungkin) bukan di BHIT tapi malah di
>> BMTR karena dg vol besar.
>> Asumsi besok...
>> Kalau BHIT DIAM saja terus BMTR nggak naik?
>> Berarti skrg ini para trader sdh "ngeri" bermain di Bhakti grup.
>> Tapi kalau kenaikan BMTR, MNCN bisa sama atau lebih tinggi drpd BHIT.
>> Artinya grup ini masih "play"...
>> Strategi begini mirip "permainan" big player saham X dg warrant-nya...
>> Lagi nge-TES aja, "ilmu tangan kosong" apakah cuman omong kosong.
>> Hehehe....
>> --- In <>,
>> herman_mil...@... wrote:
>> >
>> > BMTR kayak main roller coster hari ini ... Takut besok BHIT longsor
>> BMTR. Untung dah take profit
>> >
>> > Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Tom DS <>
>> > Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 15:37:28
>> > To: < <>>
>> > Subject: Re: [ob] MNCN
>> >
>> > *Actually the main reason of the recent rally in Bhakti group was only
>> due
>> > to un-executed convertible bonds. This is only for BHIT, while we will
>> have
>> > some other time in the near future for MNCN & BMTR rally. Just enjoy the
>> > show..
>> >
>> >
>> > T.o.m
>> > *
>> > 2010/2/24 charles_3983 <charles_3...@...>
>> >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > yg pegang NCN ati2.. sepertinay ga kuat nanjak ikutin BHIT...
>> > > begitu bhakti group pada TP tinggal ikut longsorannya aja...
>> > >
>> > > disclaimer always on :)
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >

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