Gas distribution is no more monopoly business. Did you clearly know how PGAS
make money from their business? toll fee is the major. While price tell you
that PGAS would like to dive deeper then why should we argue, it is better
to take it as a reality

On 5/29/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   PGAS is one of my stars.

PGAS... a monopoli ...........gas

Entry barrier ...... to enter ...this business ...difficult.........

I don't know the reasons... citi to downgrade...TP PGAS = 7000 ??????????

Also  ANTM = 8.500....?????

ANTM will .........split ...their stock.....and their profit...good

I think they don't have that stocks... they try to stress the  market
..using their research

As an investor I will keep this stock....

----- Original Message ----
From: ocean blue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2007 2:44:25
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] JSX ALERT: Capital OUTFLOW memprihatinkan

 how abt PGAS mr Lee? do you have any prediction abt it?

thks for your kindness to share..
Lee Cwan Yeuw wrote:
> Hi...hi..... .
> Don't worry.... SBY and MAR ---OK
> CITI said........ ..
> TLKM=12.000
> JSX = 2600
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Bettina Tan <bettina.tan@ <>>
> To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com <>
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2007 2:01:28
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] JSX ALERT: Capital OUTFLOW memprihatinkan
> Ayoyo.. what do you mean? Aseng duduk diam lu mau usik, aseng manyak
jualan lu mara2, aseng beli barang lu kasi jual biar turun. Ayoyo.. manyak
susah lah. Bo liao..
> On 5/29/07, laksono dwighty <ngakunyabandar@> wrote:
> Cuma di telkom kaan..? and kalau saya bilang terus terang siapa yang
jualan selama ini...pasti mbah kaget....yang jelas asing nya hanya 8%
mbah...sisanya aseng..
> Embah <jsx-consultant@ id <>>
> JSX ALERT: Capital OUTFLOW memprihatinkan !!!
> Embah kirimkan lagi grafik JSX CAPITAL FLOW terakhir...
> Dari gambar terlihat CAPITAL OUTFLOW mulai terjadi dalam
> beberapa HARI TERAKHIR...
> Apakah ini adalah AWAL dari BOLA SALJU yg makin membesar ?.
> ....
> embah, bandarmologist

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